


what needs to be done so that the expression being evaluated "n^i=" will appear for every element. For instance for the 1st element it would be 1^1 =1 and for the last element it would be 10^10=100000000


2 Answers 2

Table[With[{i = i, n = n}, PromptForm[Defer[n^i], n^i]], {n, 5}, {i, 5}]
{{1^1 =  1, 1^2 =  1, 1^3 =  1, 1^4 =  1, 1^5 =  1}, 
 {2^1 =  2, 2^2 =  4, 2^3 =  8, 2^4 =  16, 2^5 =  32}, 
 {3^1 =  3, 3^2 =  9, 3^3 =  27, 3^4 =  81, 3^5 =  243},
 {4^1 =  4, 4^2 =  16, 4^3 =  64, 4^4 =  256, 4^5 =  1024}, 
 {5^1 =  5, 5^2 =  25, 5^3 =  125, 5^4 =  625, 5^5 =  3125}}
TableForm @ %

enter image description here

Note: PromptForm is still undocumented. It produces output similar to Row with separator " = ".

PromptForm[foo, bar]

enter image description here

Row[{foo, " = ", bar}]

enter image description here

Alternative methods:

TableForm @ Array[PromptForm[Defer[#^#2], #^#2] &, {5, 5}]

enter image description here

TableForm @ Outer[PromptForm[Defer[#^#2], #^#2] &, Range @ 5 , Range @ 5]

same picture

TableForm @ Array[Row[{Inactivate[Power @ ##], Power @ ##}, " = "] &, {5, 5}]

enter image description here

TableForm @ Outer[Row[{Inactivate[Power@##], Power@##}, " = "]&, Range @ 5, Range @ 5]

same picture


I would use Row:

    Row[{n, "^", i, " = ", n^i}]
    {n, 10}
    {i, 10}
  Alignment -> "=",
  Frame -> All,
  FrameStyle -> LightGray



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