
I'm learning mathematica, and right now trying to plot a graph with error bars. What I would like to do is to import 3 lists with x values(1/viscosity), y values(permeance), and error values, and plot this using listplot. I can plot the x vs y values using "Thread" function, however when I try to use "Around" to include errors, I either get problems or no graphs at all. Is it possible to plot the graph in this fashion (I don't want to add error values one by one since I will be having a large number of data points produced, and I would like to keep importing my data from a previously produced excel files).

Example: [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/1sR0U.png


viscosityinverse = 
Import["C:\\Users\\ilkvi\\Desktop\\Professional\\0-METU CHE \
PhD\\2-Research\\0-Experimental\\Flux Experiments\\Viscosity vs \
Permeance\\Hagen Poiseuille Equations.xlsx", {"Data", 1, All, 2}]

viscosityinverse = Drop[viscosityinverse, 1]

permeance = 
Import["C:\\Users\\ilkvi\\Desktop\\Professional\\0-METU CHE \
PhD\\2-Research\\0-Experimental\\Flux Experiments\\Viscosity vs \
Permeance\\Hagen Poiseuille Equations.xlsx", {"Data", 1, All, 3}]

permeance = Drop[permeance, 1]

error = Import[
"C:\\Users\\ilkvi\\Desktop\\Professional\\0-METU CHE \
PhD\\2-Research\\0-Experimental\\Flux Experiments\\Viscosity vs \
Permeance\\Hagen Poiseuille Equations.xlsx", {"Data", 1, All, 4}]

error = error[error, 1]

ListPlot[Thread[{viscosityinverse, About[Thread[permeance,error]]}]]
  • $\begingroup$ Please, provide the code you have used so far to import and plot your data. $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 10:45
  • $\begingroup$ Uploaded the code. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 11:13
  • $\begingroup$ 1. Import your data only once with data = Import["..." , {"Data", 1, 2 ;; All}];. 2. Use ListPlot[MapThread[Around, {data[[All, 2]], data[[All, 3]]}]]. $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 11:48

1 Answer 1

 table = {{"", "1/Viscosity", "Permeance", "Error"}, 
      {"EG", 2.22`*^10, 2.57`, 0}, 
      {"DMSO", 8.7`*^10, 14.09`, 1}, 
      {"Ethanol", 3.03`*^11, 53.67`, 2}, 
      {"UP", 3.6`*^11, 67.5`, 5}, 
      {"Methanol",  6.12`*^11, 110.33`, 16},
      {"Toluene", 6.55`*^11, 101.5`, 0},
      {"EthylAcetate", 8.45`*^11, 112, 0}};

{viscosityinverse, permeance, error} = Transpose @ table[[2 ;;, 2 ;;]];

ListPlot[Thread[{viscosityinverse,  Around @@@ Thread[{permeance, error}]}]]

enter image description here


Add labels:

ListPlot[AssociationThread[table[[2 ;;, 1]], 
  Thread[{viscosityinverse,  Around @@@ Thread[{permeance, error}]}]], 
ImageSize -> Large] 

enter image description here

Add the option LabelingFunction -> Tooltip to show labels in tooltips:

enter image description here

Alternatively, as suggested by Bob Hanlon in comments, use

ListPlot[Tooltip[{#, #2}, #3]& @@@
  Thread[{viscosityinverse,  Around @@@ Thread[{permeance,error}], table[[2;;, 1]]}]]

to get the same result.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The OP could also add tooltips with ListPlot[Tooltip @@@Transpose[{Thread[{viscosityinverse, Around @@@ Thread[{permeance, error}]}], table[[2 ;;, 1]]}]] For this data Callout could be used, but the OP refers to a large amount of data which would make Callout too cluttered. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Oct 14, 2021 at 14:48

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