
I am using Mathematica 12.3 and the MaTeX package in order to typeset my labels and legends correctly. I get quite blurry text and I don't know if there is a way to improve the resolution of the generated text. My code is

EntropyPlotr0Finite = 
     ListPlot[EntropyForr0[[i]], PlotStyle -> ColorList[[i]], 
      PlotMarkers -> {MarkersList[[i]], Small}], {i, 1, 4}], 
    Table[Plot[fitsForr0[[i]][x], {x, 0.1, 5}, 
      PlotStyle -> {Thickness -> 0.002, Orange}], {i, 1, 4}]], 
   Frame -> True, Axes -> True, PlotRange -> All, 
   FrameLabel -> {MaTeX["\\textbf{r}\\boldsymbol{_0}", 
      FontSize -> 20], MaTeX["\\boldsymbol{S_N}", FontSize -> 20]}, 
   LabelStyle -> {Black, Bold, Medium}, 
   FrameTicksStyle -> Directive[Italic, FontSize -> 17], 
   ImageSize -> 800], 
       ColorData[97, "ColorList"][[;; 2]], {Style[
         MaTeX["\\textbf{Values of }\\boldsymbol{S_N}\\textbf{ for \
}\\boldsymbol{\\kappa_m=0.1}", FontSize -> 14]]}, 
       LegendMarkerSize -> 15, 
       LegendMarkers -> {\[FilledCircle], 10}], 
      PointLegend[{Red}, {Style[
         MaTeX["\\textbf{Values of }\\boldsymbol{S_N}\\textbf{ for \
}\\boldsymbol{\\kappa_{m+1}\\textbf{ from Eq.}}", FontSize -> 14]]}, 
       LegendMarkerSize -> 15, 
       LegendMarkers -> {\[SixPointedStar], 10}], 
      PointLegend[{Orange}, {Style[
         MaTeX["\\textbf{Values of }\\boldsymbol{S_N}\\textbf{ for \
}\\boldsymbol{\\kappa_{m+2}\\textbf{ from Eq.}}", FontSize -> 14]]}, 
       LegendMarkerSize -> 15, 
       LegendMarkers -> {\[FilledSquare], 10}], 
      PointLegend[{Black}, {Style[
         MaTeX["\\textbf{Values of }\\boldsymbol{S_N}\\textbf{ for \
}\\boldsymbol{\\kappa_{m+3}\\textbf{ from Eq.}}", FontSize -> 14]]}, 
       LegendMarkerSize -> 15, 
       LegendMarkers -> {\[FilledUpTriangle], 10}]}], 
    RoundingRadius -> 5], {1, 0.6}]]

and the resulting image after exporting it with

Export["EntropyPlotr0.pdf", EntropyPlotr0Finite, 
 ImageResolution -> 2000]

looks like: enter image description here In particular the legend looks like: enter image description here which isn't the best quality.

  • $\begingroup$ If you have problems with some software, the first thing to try is always to upgrade to the latest version! Do this and it will fix it. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Jun 9, 2021 at 21:54
  • $\begingroup$ I just tried your example and am getting device independent resolution--with my updated version of Szabolcs package. I was having a similar problem before I downloaded SH's newest version. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 10, 2021 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


This happens because Mathematica 12.2 and later import PDFs as raster images by default.

MaTeX 1.7.8, released October 2020, is updated to be compatible with Mathematica 12.2 and later. Please upgrade to the latest MaTeX version.


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