I want to express numbers on the y-axis using scientific notation for the plot given below.
Plot[-(1/ (m^4)), {m, -0.5, 0.5}, PlotStyle -> {Black, Dashed, Thick},
LabelStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> "Arial", Black, FontSize -> 10],
AxesLabel -> {Style["x", 20], Style["y", 20]}]
I have read the previous post Scientific notation for the axes of a Plot, in which it is discussed a correlated doubt. However, the point that is not clear is how to adjust the parameter values for my case of study, as well as, what should be the best values to consider.
Thanks in advance.
Ticks -> {Automatic, Table[{i, ScientificForm@i}, {i, -40000, 0., 10000.}]}
is one possibility. $\endgroup$