
I have some data that I want to compare on a broken y axis. I found a similar post Generating a broken or snipped axis in ListPlot but it is only for one break in the y-axis. For my plot, I want three breaks in the y-axis. One between zero and the first set of data, between the first and second set of data, and between the second and third set of data. I have a sketch of what I would like the data to look like. The snip function I was using from the post I listed seems to only let you set it to 0 or 1, so the squiggle can only go on top or the bottom of the plot, but in some cases I need the squiggle on both ends. Also, the code I got from that post cuts off some of my points?

And eventually, I want the data points to not be color coded but rather black and data1, data2, data3, and data4 corresponding to squares, triangles, diamonds, and x's as shown in the photo.

Here is my code so far:

list1 = {6.9310, 6.9362, 6.9427, 6.9484, 6.9538, 6.9579, 6.9611, 
   6.9633, 6.9661, 6.9666, 6.9682, 6.9695, 6.9702};
list2 = {6.9659, 6.9722, 6.9799, 6.9869, 6.9933, 6.9980, 7.0019, 
   7.0047, 7.0079, 7.0086, 7.0103, 7.0119, 7.0128};
list3 = {4.1774, 4.1845, 4.1926, 4.1999, 4.2069, 4.2116, 4.2157, 
   4.2187, 4.222, 4.2228, 4.2244, 4.226, 4.2269};
list4 = { 4.0106, 4.0114, 4.0129, 4.0137, 4.0154, 4.0167, 4.0175, 
   4.0176, 4.0192, 4.0189, 4.0202, 4.0208, 4.021};
listtot = {0.000, 0.099, 0.196, 0.291, 0.385, 0.476, 0.566, 0.654, 
   0.741, 0.826, 0.909, 1.111, 1.304};
data1 = Transpose[{listtot, list1}];
data2 = Transpose[{listtot, list2}];
data3 = Transpose[{listtot, list3}];
data4 = Transpose[{listtot, list4}];
snip[pos_] := 
  Arrowheads[{{Automatic, pos, 
     Graphics[{BezierCurve[{{0, -(1/2)}, {1/2, 0}, {-(1/2), 0}, {0, 
getMaxPadding[p_List] := 
 Map[Max, (BorderDimensions@
        Image[Show[#, LabelStyle -> White, Background -> White]] & /@ 
      p)~Flatten~{{3}, {2}}, {2}] + 1
p1 = ListPlot[{data1, data2}, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> False, 
   Mesh -> Full, PlotStyle -> Red, Axes -> {False, True}, 
   AxesStyle -> {None, snip[0]}, PlotRangePadding -> None, 
   ImagePadding -> {{40, 20}, {5, 5}}];
p3 = ListPlot[data3, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> False, Mesh -> Full, 
   PlotStyle -> Green, Axes -> {False, True}, 
   AxesStyle -> {None, snip[1]}, PlotRangePadding -> None, 
   ImagePadding -> {{40, 20}, {5, 5}}];
p4 = ListPlot[data4, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> False, Mesh -> Full, 
   PlotStyle -> Orange, AxesStyle -> {None, snip[1]}, 
   PlotRangePadding -> None, ImagePadding -> {{40, 20}, {15, 5}}];
Column[{p1, p3, p4} /. 
  Graphics[x__] :> 
   Graphics[x, ImagePadding -> getMaxPadding[{p1, p2, p3, p4}], 
    ImageSize -> 400]]

enter image description here enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ definetly the best question and answer about broken axis on Mathematica $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


You can use Lukas Lang's ResourceFunction[PlotGrid] as follows:

plotGrid = ResourceFunction["PlotGrid"];

Add the option Frame -> True to all plots:

plt1 = ListPlot[{data1, data2}, Joined -> False, Mesh -> Full, 
   PlotStyle -> Red, Frame -> True];

plt3 = ListPlot[data3, Joined -> False, Mesh -> Full, 
   PlotStyle -> Green, Frame -> True];

plt4 = ListPlot[data4, Joined -> False, Mesh -> Full, 
   PlotStyle -> Orange, Frame -> True];

Construct an empty graphics to add as the last and/or first row:

emptygraphics = Graphics[{}, PlotRange -> {{0, 1.3}, {0, 1}},  Frame -> True, 
   FrameTicks -> {{None, None}, {Automatic, Automatic}}];

Use plotGrid with the option "MergeAxes" -> "Cut" and appropriate values for the option Spacings:

plotGrid[{{emptygraphics}, {plt1}, {plt3}, {plt4}, {emptygraphics}}, 
  ImageSize -> 700, AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio,
  "MergeAxes" -> "Cut", Spacings -> {0, 20}, 
  ItemSize -> {1, {1/4, 1, 1, 1, 1/4}}]

enter image description here

Add the option FrameStyle -> {{Automatic, Opacity[0]}, {Automatic, Opacity[0]}} to all plots to make top and right frames invisible:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you so much!! That helped tremendously. Only question I have, how can I make the axes black instead of gray? I tried AxesStyle -> Black, AxesStyle-> Directive[Black], FrameStyle as well but nothing seems to be doing the trick. @kglr $\endgroup$
    – btilson
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 14:09
  • $\begingroup$ @btilson, add the option FrameStyle->Black to emptygraphics, plt1, plt3 and plt4. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 14:18
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I figured it out! @kglr I just need to replace Automatic with Black. Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – btilson
    Commented Aug 10, 2021 at 14:35
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Your answer should be highlighted on top of the rest of "broken axes" solutions on StackExchange. You saved me tons of time with this reply and mentioning this package! $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 17, 2023 at 13:20
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ ....maybe it's time to email Wolfram. $\endgroup$
    – theorist
    Commented May 20 at 9:54

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