I want to compute Ricci tensor expansion around a fixed curved background. It is easy to find the formal expansion around the background metric, but I have a reference metric with known components and I don't know how to plug it in the Xact code.
<< xAct`xPert`
(* Define a 4-dimensional manifold. *)
DefManifold[M, 4, IndexRange[a, l]]
(* Define a (Lorentzian) metric and its associated curvature tensors. *)
DefMetric[-1, metric[-a, -b], CD, PrintAs -> "g"]
(* Define metric perturbations, with H being the fluctuation of the metric. *)
DefMetricPerturbation[metric, H, ϵ]
linearEinstein = ExpandPerturbation @ Perturbation[ EinsteinCD[-a, -b] ]
linearEinstein // ContractMetric // ToCanonical
I copied the code which have written in this link Linearized Einstein Equations with Mathematica. I have the following metric with the coordinate (t,x,y,u)
{{-1/ (u^2), 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1/u^2, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1/ (u^2), 0}, {0,
0, 0, 1/u^2 }}
How can I do the perturbation of the Ricci or Einstein tensor explicitly?