Please help me to plot the solution of a differential equation as a parameter of Delta. Here is what I've tried.
tin := -50;
tfin := 50;
t := 0.05;
v := 1;
(**Solve differential equation**)
sol = NDSolve[Delta == Module[{x0},
Table[x0, {x0, 0, 10}]],
{I y1'[t] == v t y1[t] +
Delta y2[t], I y2'[t] == -v t y2[t] + Delta y1[t], y1[tin] == 1, y2[tin] == 0}, {y1, y2}, {t, tin, tfin}];
Prob1[t_] :=
Re[Evaluate[y1[t] /. sol]]^2 + Im[Evaluate[y1[t] /. sol]]^2;
(**we need to plot this result as a function of delta**)
a = Plot[{Prob1[t]}, {Delta, -10, 10}]
here doesn't do anything. It only has any effect if it appears directly as an argument of a function with a hold attribute, such as inPlot[Evaluate[...], ...]
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