I've been meaning to modify some code given in the the Region Disjoint documentation for the Buffon's Needle problem to instead model Buffon's Noodle Problem.
In Buffon's Needle problem you randomly toss $n$ straight lines (i.e. needles) of length $l$ in between parallel lines of width $t$. The probability that the needle lies across a line is given by, $${\displaystyle p={\frac {2}{\pi }}{\frac {l}{t}}.}$$
In Buffon's Noodle problem you instead randomly toss $n$ rigid plane curves (i.e. noodles) of length $l$ in between parallel lines of width $t$ and the probability is the same.
My question is, how can I modify the code shown below to throw $n$ noodles instead of needles?
d = 0.2; n = 1000;
lines = MeshRegion[
Join @@ Table[{{-1 - d, y}, {1 + d, y}}, {y, -1 - d, 1 + d, d}],
Line[Partition[Range[2 Floor[2/d + 3]], 2]]];
needles = Table[Line[{pt, RandomPoint[Circle[pt, d]]}], {pt, RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {n,2}]}];
overlap = Select[needles, ! RegionDisjoint[lines, #] &];
Show[lines, Graphics[{Red, overlap, Black, Complement[needles, overlap]}]]
N[(2 n)/Length[overlap]]