
This code was developed by @Jagra:

countries = CountryData\["G7"\];
data = {{2, 1, 1.5, 3, 3, 2.5, 4}, {-2, -1, -1.5, -3, -3, -2.5, -2}};

  TextCell\["GDP Per Capital", "Section", FontColor -> White\],
  TextCell\["This is a scenario parameter set", FontSize -> 12, 
   FontColor -> White\], "",
  TextCell\["WorldGDP in 2020", FontWeight -> Bold, FontSize -> 20\],
  TextCell\["parameter domain:{1,2,3}", FontWeight -> Bold, 
   FontSize -> 12\], "",
  TextCell\["% Difference from baseline and contributions in % pts", 
   PlotTheme -> "Business",
   ChartLabels -> Placed\[countries, Below, Rotate\[#, Pi/2.4\] &\],
   ChartStyle -> {{Blue, Green}, None},
   ChartLegends -> {{"2019", "2020"}, None},
   ImageSize -> 500
 Alignment -> Center,
 Background -> {Automatic, {1 -> Darker\[Red\], 2 -> Darker\[Red\]}}


enter image description here

I want to create a chart combining the bars (for 2019 and 2020) as a single arrow from 2019 to 2020 as shown below:

enter image description here


3 Answers 3


You could use a ChartElementFunction but it might be easier to customize a Graphics than do that:

countries = CountryData["G7"];
data = {{2, 1, 1.5, 3, 3, 2.5, 4}, {-2, -1, -1.5, -3, -3, -2.5, -2}};

tdat = Transpose[{countries, data[[1]], data[[2]]}];
element[x_, country_, y1_, y2_] :=
  With[{sz = .08},
   Rectangle[{x - sz, y1 - sz}, {x + sz, y1 + sz}]]
  , Arrow[{{x, y1}, {x, y2}}],
  Text[country["Name"], {x, y1 + .25}]

  MapIndexed[element[First@#2, #1[[1]], #1[[2]], #1[[3]]] &, tdat]
  }, Axes -> True, 
 PlotRange -> {{0, 1 + Length@countries}, Automatic}, 
 Ticks -> {None, Automatic}, 
 FrameLabel -> {None, "GDP growth rate (%)"}, Frame -> True, 
 AxesStyle -> Directive[Orange, Dashing[{.003}]], 
 FrameTicks -> {None, Automatic}]

gdp chart

  • $\begingroup$ It is great. Is it possible to use labels as in the example given? Two labels are: Average GDP and Projected GDP. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 14, 2021 at 13:47

We can use the built-in (but undocumented) chart element function "ArrowRectangle" to create desired graphics primitives:

arrowBar[arrowwidth_: .5, boxwidth_: 1, arrowangle_: 120][
  colors_: ColorData[97, "ColorList"], dr_: 5] := 
   {colors[[#]], Opacity[.7], 
    ChartElementData["ArrowRectangle", {"ArrowheadAngle" -> arrowangle, 
       "ArrowWidth" -> arrowwidth}][{{-boxwidth, boxwidth}/2 + #2, #3}], 
    Opacity[1], EdgeForm[Gray], Disk[{#2, #3[[1]]}, Offset[dr]]} &;


  Graphics[arrowBar[][{RandomColor[]}][1, #, 
      RandomSample @ {2, -2}] & /@ {1, 3, 5}],
  Graphics[arrowBar[1, .9 , 120][{RandomColor[]}, 7][1, #, 
      RandomSample @ {2, -2}] & /@ {1, 3, 5}],
  Graphics[arrowBar[.1, .9, 90][{RandomColor[]}, 10][1, #,
      RandomSample @ {2, -2}] & /@ {1, 3, 5}]}]

enter image description here

legend = Graphics[{arrowBar[][{Gray}][1, -1/4, {1, -1}/2] /.
    EdgeForm[_] -> EdgeForm[White],
   Text[Style["actual", FontSize -> 11], Offset[{5, 0}, {1/8, 1/2}], Left], 
   Text[Style["projected", FontSize -> 11], Offset[{5, 5}, {1/8, -1/2}], Left]}, 
  ImageSize -> 1 -> 40]

enter image description here

Using a modification of data in OP:

countries = CountryData["G7"];
data = {{2, 1, 1.5, 3, 3, 2.5, 4}, {-2, -1, -1.5, -3, -3, -2.5, -2}};

data2 = Transpose[{#, # + RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, Length @ data[[1]]]} & @ data[[1]]];

options = Join[{ImageSize -> Large, Axes -> {True, False}, 
     AxesStyle -> Dashed, AspectRatio -> 1/2}, 
   FilterRules[Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Business", Plot], Options[Graphics]]];

Legended[Graphics[arrowBar[][] @@@ MapIndexed[{1, #2[[1]], #} &, data2], 
  FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, 
   {Thread[{Range@Length@data2, Rotate[#, 90 Degree] & /@ countries}], Automatic}},

enter image description here

Use arrowBar[][] @@@ MapIndexed[{#2[[1]], #2[[1]] , #} &, data2] to get

enter image description here

To deal with grouped data, we need to pre-process input data into a form that can be used with arrowBar:

preProcess[groupsizes_List, groupspacing_: 1] := Join[Join @@ 
   MapIndexed[Thread @ {#2[[1]], (#2[[1]] - 1) groupspacing + # - 1} &, 
      TakeList[Range[Length@#], groupsizes]], List /@ #, 2] &;

Partition data2 into two groups with sizes 3 and 4:

dt = preProcess[{3, 4}] @ data2;

Legended[Graphics[arrowBar[][ColorData[97] /@ {1, 2}] @@@ dt, 
  FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic},
    {Thread[{dt[[All, 2]], Rotate[#, 90 Degree] & /@ countries}], Automatic}}, 
 Column[{SwatchLegend[Opacity[.7, #] & /@ ColorData[97] /@ {1, 2}, {"group1", 
     "group2"}], legend}]]

enter image description here

Partition data2 into three groups with sizes 3,2 and 2:

dt = preProcess[{3, 2, 2}] @ data2;

colors = ColorData[97] /@ {1, 2, 3}; 

Legended[Graphics[arrowBar[][colors] @@@ dt, 
  FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, 
     {Thread[{dt[[All, 2]], Rotate[#, 90 Degree] & /@ countries}], Automatic}}, 
 Column[{SwatchLegend[Opacity[.7, #] & /@ colors, 
   {"group1", "group2", "group3"}], legend}]]

enter image description here

Use arrowBar[1, .9 , 120][colors, 15] @@@ dt to get

enter image description here

Use arrowBar[.1, 1/4 , 120][colors, 7] @@@ dt to get

enter image description here

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Very cool -- did not know about "ArrowRectangle"! $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 16, 2021 at 17:31

You can also use BarChart with a custom ChartElementFunction:

cEF[dr_: 2, as_: .03] := 
   {Arrowheads[{{as, 0, Graphics[{EdgeForm[Gray], Disk[{0, 0}, Offset @ dr]}]}, as}], 
   Arrow[Thread[{Mean[#[[1]]], #3[[1]]}]]} &


BarChart[Thread[data[[1]] -> Transpose[data]], 
 ChartStyle -> (ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale[-Subtract @@@ Transpose[data]]), 
 ChartLabels -> Placed[countries, Axis, Rotate[#, 90 Degree] &], 
 PlotRange -> {-4, 5}, PlotTheme -> "Business",
 ChartElementFunction -> cEF[]]

enter image description here

bc = BarChart[Thread[data[[1]] -> Transpose[data]], 
 ChartStyle -> (ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale[-Subtract @@@ Transpose[data]]), 
 ChartLabels -> Placed[countries, Axis, Rotate[#, 90 Degree] &], 
 PlotRange -> {-4, 5}, PlotTheme -> "Business",
 ChartElementFunction -> cEF[5, .05], 
 ChartBaseStyle -> AbsoluteThickness[4]]

enter image description here

Adding a legend:

legend = Graphics[{Red, AbsoluteThickness[3], 
   cEF[5, .5][{{0, 1/5}, {0, 1}}, {1}, {{1, -1}/5}], GrayLevel[.4], 
   Text[Style["actual", 12], Offset[{10, 0}, {1/10, 1/5}], Left], 
   Text[Style["projected", 12], Offset[{10, 10}, {1/10, -1/5}], Left]},  
   PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> 80];

Legended[bc, legend]

enter image description here

Another example:

data2 = ({#, # + RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, Length@data[[1]]]} & @ data[[1]]);

BarChart[Thread[data2[[1]] -> Transpose[data2]], 
 ChartStyle -> (ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale[-Subtract @@@ Transpose[data2]]), 
 ChartLabels -> Placed[countries, Axis, Rotate[#, 90 Degree] &], 
 PlotRange -> {-5, 10}, PlotTheme -> "Business", 
 ChartElementFunction -> cEF[], 
 ChartBaseStyle -> Thick]

enter image description here

Update: To present data in two groups "with less space in between individual country arrows in each group, and one color for each group but different across groups", pre-process input data to attach labels to each data element:

labeleddata2 = TakeDrop[#, 3] & @
   MapThread[Labeled[#, #2, Axis] -> #3 &, {data2[[1]], 
     Rotate[#, 90 Degree] & /@ countries, Transpose[data2]}];

To have different within-group and between-group bar spacings, use BarSpacing -> {0, bs} and adjust horizontal PlotRange to prevent unwanted spaces on the left and right:

bs = 1;

    ChartLabels -> {{"\n\n\n\ngroup1", "\n\n\n\ngroup2"}, None}, 
    PlotTheme -> "Business", 
    ImageSize -> Large, 
    ChartElementFunction -> cEF[], 
    ChartStyle -> {{Orange, Blue}, None}, 
    ChartBaseStyle -> Thick, 
    BarSpacing -> {0, bs}, 
    PlotRange -> {{(bs + 1)/2, All}, All}],

enter image description here

Add the option ChartLegends -> SwatchLegend[{Orange, Blue}, {"group1", "group2"}] to get:

enter image description here

To have input data in groups with each data element having its own label and style, pre-process input data to attach labels and styles to each data element:

labeledstyleddata2 = TakeDrop[#, 3] & @ MapThread[
  Labeled[Style[#, #2], #3, Axis] -> #4 &, {data2[[1]], 
   ColorData["Rainbow"] /@ Rescale[-Subtract @@@ Transpose[data2]], 
   Rotate[#, 90 Degree] & /@ countries, Transpose[data2]}]; 

bs = 1;

    ChartLabels -> {{"\n\n\n\ngroup1", "\n\n\n\ngroup2"}, None}, 
    PlotTheme -> "Business", 
    ImageSize -> Large, 
    ChartElementFunction -> cEF[], 
    ChartBaseStyle -> Thick, 
    BarSpacing -> {0, bs}, 
    PlotRange -> {{(bs + 1)/2, All}, All}],

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for all the examples. All are very nice. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 15, 2021 at 9:10
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @TugrulTemel, please see the update. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jun 15, 2021 at 9:50
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I know that thanking is not required in this forum, but somehow I feel something is missing if I do not thank you. Therefore, I thank you again. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 15, 2021 at 10:35
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @TugrulTemel, please see the update. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jun 16, 2021 at 1:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @TugrulTemel, arrowBar needs input data with two height lists (like data = {{2, 1, 1.5, 3, 3, 2.5, 4}, {-2, -1, -1.5, -3, -3, -2.5, -2}};). If the data is a single list of heights, say, dataA = {2, 1, 1.5, 3, 3, 2.5, 4}; then you can combine it with a list of 0s ( dataB ={dataA, 0&/@dataA}), pre-process if needed (e.g, dt = preProcess[...]@dataB ), and use 180 as the arrowangle argument in arrowBar (e.g.,arrowBar[1, .9, 180][colors, 7]@@@dt). But for this case, BarChart would be more straightforward to use. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Jun 27, 2021 at 21:07

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