I have a (hopefully small) problem with some numerical integration algorithm, more specifically I want to integrate the imaginary part of a complex valued function, e.g. f[u_]:=Exp[-iuK]
with $K\in\mathbb{R}$. As mentioned I am only interested in Im[f]
, in the example -Sin[u K]
Now if I integrate with Mathematica
NIntegrate[f, {s, Min[roots[[ 1 ]], roots[[ 2 ]]],
Max[roots[[ 1 ]], roots[[ 2 ]]]}, AccuracyGoal->aGoal,
PrecisionGoal->pGoal, WorkingPrecision->wPrecision ];
I get two different results depending on f
- if I use
-Sin[u K]
, it returnssomenumber
- if I use
, it returns a list{ somenumber }
Those two have to be treated differently and that crashes my program. I have a few questions:
Why does Mathematica sometimes return lists, and sometimes values? How can I distinguish between a list and a value, i.e.
If xyz is a list then
do something
do something else
Any other ideas how one could avoid these different return "types"? The manual and anything I found hasn't been useful so far.
is returning aList
in one case, and a simple value in another. So, what are you using forroots
? $\endgroup$Clear[f]; f[u_] := Exp[-I u]; NIntegrate[Im[f[s]], {s, 0, 1}]
works just fine (returning a Real value). $\endgroup$