I am trying to model a problem of a nearly incompressible $10~\rm{m} \times 2~\rm{m}$ beam with a uniformly distributed end load. The beam has a Young's modulus of $200~\rm{Pa}$ and a Poisson's ratio of $\nu=0.49995$ and I am using a mixed displacement-pressure (Q1P0) formulation with a perturbed Lagrangian approach.
I am using meshes of $2^N \times 2^N$ Q1P0 elements and for $N\leq6$ to solution procedure is working fine. However, for $N>6$ the procedure diverges very early on. I have tried changing the initial load and the load step size in the solution procedure, and I have tried changing the material properties. Whatever I try I cannot get the solution procedure to work for $N>6$, which is a problem because I need solutions for at least up to $N=8$.
Note: The solution procedure works fine with standard Q2 elements for $N=8$ and I can't figure out why it doesn't work for the Q1P0 elements.
The solution procedure I am using is given below (unfortunately I don't know how to make the Greek characters display properly in the code block)
tolNR = 10^-5;
maxNR = 500;
targetNR = 100;
\[Lambda]Max = 1;
\[Lambda]0 = \[Lambda]Max/1000;
\[CapitalDelta]\\[Lambda]Min = \[Lambda]Max/10000;
\[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]Max = \
SMTNextStep["\[Lambda]" -> \[Lambda]0];
step =
maxNR, {"Adaptive BC",
targetNR, \[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]Min, \
\[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]Max, \[Lambda]Max}]
, SMTNewtonIteration[];
If[step[[4]] === "MinBound", SMTStatusReport["Analyze"];
, If[step[[1]], SMTStepBack[];];
SMTNextStep["\[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]" -> step[[2]]]
Plotting the displacement of the end of the beam against $N$ yields the following
It is clear that the behavior is good up until $N=6$.
The element code and notebook in which problem is solved (including solution procedure) are available here:
Q1P0 element
Convergence Test
Any help in improving the solution procedure would be appreciated!