I would like to know how can I obtained a loop of this system
n0 = 3;
Nmax = 5;
A[1] = {{0.5218440349603428`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {1.`,
0.03043455783984461`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`,
1.`, -0.5733456379977422`, 1.`, 0.`}, {0.`, 0.`,
1.`, -0.1691687728719371`, 1.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 0.`,
1.`, -0.6766851294154084`}};
A[2] = {{0.5920373626109177`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {1.`,
0.060631154827360145`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`,
1.`, -0.02863887747946947`, 1.`, 0.`}, {0.`, 0.`,
1.`, -0.35285446053637504`, 1.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.`,
A[3] = {{0.67202601044949`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`,
0.`}, {1.`, -0.3920737805614185`, 1.`, 0.`, 0.`}, {0.`,
1.`, -0.05678745158627674`, 1.`, 0.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 1.`,
0.5330963738805732`, 1.`}, {0.`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.`,
\[Psi]ini = Table[KroneckerDelta[n0 - i], {i, 1, Nmax}];
usol[1] =
NDSolveValue[{I D[\[Psi][t], t] ==
A[1].\[Psi][t], \[Psi][0] == \[Psi]ini}, \[Psi], {t, 0, 10}];
usol[2] =
NDSolveValue[{I D[\[Psi][t], t] == A[2].\[Psi][t], \[Psi][0] ==
usol[1][10]}, \[Psi], {t, 10, 20}];
usol[3] =
NDSolveValue[{I D[\[Psi][t], t] == A[3].\[Psi][t], \[Psi][0] ==
usol[2][20]}, \[Psi], {t, 20, 30}];
In this form works but I would like to do in loop. Actually, I would like too joined all the usol[i] and plot them.