An extended comment...
The notebook that you can download from the MathWorld Tetrahedron5-Compound page includes the following code:
vertices = Vertices[Dodecahedron];
Triangles[{f1_, f2_, f3_, f4_}] :=
{{f1, f2, f3},
{f1, f3, f4},
{f1, f4, f2},
{f4, f3, f2}}
tetrapoints = {{1, 9, 12, 20}, {2, 10, 13, 16},{3, 6, 14, 17}, {4, 7, 15, 18}, {5, 8, 11, 19}};
poly = (vertices[[#]] &) /@ Flatten[ Triangles /@ tetrapoints, 1];
linearcombination[r_, a_, b_] := (1 - r)*a + (r)*b
HollowTriangle[t_] :=
Block[{a = t[[1]], b = t[[2]], c = t[[3]], aa, bb, cc},
aa = linearcombination[1/8, a, (b + c)/2];
bb = linearcombination[1/8, b, (c + a)/2];
cc = linearcombination[1/8, c, (a + b)/2];
{{a, b, bb, aa}, {b, c, cc, bb}, {c, a, aa, cc}} ]
tetrapict = Show[Graphics3D[ Polygon /@ Flatten[ HollowTriangle /@ poly,1]],ViewVertical -> {.52, .38, .85}, Boxed -> False]
Which would produce:
Except that more current versions of Mathematica, no longer support the Vertices[]
Well, ... maybe you could still download an old Combinatorica
I didn't find an obvious direct equivalent of Vertices[]
in the new functionality, but someone here can (hopefully) direct you to it.
Maybe someone more familiar with GraphEmbedding
(see documentation) or the integration of the earlier Combinatorica
package can help.
All of the above said, this would only get you an image of the
You (or others on this site) then need to figure out how to get to the specifics of what you want to achieve, plotting a similar image,
If possible without the black edges and choosing each tetrahedron's
I'll give this some more thought as I can.