I would like to use Mathematica to analyze (e.g., compute moments, plot, etc) a truncated bivariate normal distribution. For example:
d = BinormalDistribution[{0,0},{.5,1},.5];
dTruncated = TruncatedDistribution[{{-.5,Infinity},{0,2}},d]
When I run this code, though, Mathematica begins evaluating and never stops (I ran it all night and nothing). I don't get any error messages. Same when I try to plot the PDF of dTruncated or sample points from the distribution.
I'm running Mathematica v 11.2 with Windows 10.0 on a 4.6GHz Intel i9 processor with 64Gb RAM, so I don't think it's a processing speed issue.
The problem only seems to occur when the correlation coefficient is non-zero. When I run the same code as above but just make the correlation coefficient in BinormalDistribution = 0, it works fine:
d = BinormalDistribution[{0,0},{.5,1},0];
dTruncated = TruncatedDistribution[{{-.5,Infinity},{0,2}},d]
This immediately spits out an answer. I have tried numerous combinations of parameter values, and it only ever works when the correlation coefficient equals 0. Unfortunately, that's not very helpful for me.
There is an R package that does this easily (see here and here) in a few lines of code:
> library(tmvtnorm)
> mu <- c(0, 0)
> sigma <- matrix(c(.5, .5, .5, 1), 2, 2)
> a <- c(-0.5, -Inf)
> b <- c(0, 2)
> moments <- mtmvnorm(mean=mu, sigma=sigma,
> lower=a, upper=b)
Any assistance with this would be very much appreciated!
library does it numerically which is a big difference. TryNExpectation[{x, y}, {x, y} \[Distributed] dTruncated]
. $\endgroup$d = BinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {0.5^0.5, 1}, 0.7071067811865475
]` ord = MultinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {{0.5, 0.5}, {0.5, 1}}]
anddTruncated = TruncatedDistribution[{{-0.5, 0}, {-\[Infinity], 2}}, d]
. $\endgroup$