Is there a way using the various unit commands to convert units to values that correspond to the speed of light being 1 and unitless. 10 Joules is the immediate quantity in question.
Also I wonder if Solve could be used to do this.
Could some one direct me to some instructions in how to use tis editor. I Answered my own question but this editor is hard for me to decipher.
UnitConvert[Quantity[10, "Joules"]/(Quantity["SpeedOfLight"])^2] // N
The Answer is 1.11 X 10-16 KG Gave up on this editor so I will just type it out. Momentum of a car, 3 X 10^4 Unitconvert[3010^4 kg m s^-1]->30 X 10^3 kg m /s Coefecient of s is -1 so coeffecient n below is 1 UnitConvet[3010^3 [= kg m /s]*(1/Quantity["SpeedOfLight"])^n (n=1) 0.000100069 kg
UnitConvert[Quantity[10, "Joules"]/Quantity["SpeedOfLight"]]
? $\endgroup$c = 1 = 299792458 m/s
, the OP wants asecond
conversion or vice versa. With that conversion you can eliminate eithermeter
for thejoule
conversion $\endgroup$