
I have a list of values :

m = Table[
   NIntegrate[\[Phi]n2[b]*f1[b]*10^-38, {b, i, i + 2}, 
    MaxRecursion -> 20, WorkingPrecision -> 10], {i, 19, 29, 2}]

These are the y values. Now I have to plot these values with x from 19 to 31 and each value is for a interval of of 2 i.e from 19-21, 21-23 and so on. How to proceed?


2 Answers 2

ledges = Range[19, 29, 2]
labels = StringTemplate["``-<*2+#*>"] /@ ledges
f1 = \[Phi]n2 = Function[x, x]  (* for illustration *)
m = Table[
   NIntegrate[\[Phi]n2[b]*f1[b]*10^-38, {b, i, i + 2}, 
    MaxRecursion -> 20, WorkingPrecision -> 10], {i, ledges}]
BarChart[m, ChartLabels -> labels]

enter image description here

m = 10^6 RandomReal[10, 6]
{8.29905*10^6, 7.00287*10^6, 6.20283*10^6, 6.48944*10^6,
 9.15531*10^6, 7.19435*10^6}
binlist = Range[19, 31, 2]; 

You can use m & as the height specification in the third argument of Histogram:

Histogram[{1}, {binlist}, m &, Ticks -> {Range[19, 31, 2], Automatic}]

enter image description here

You can also use ListStepPlot as follows:

ListStepPlot[m, Right, 
 DataRange -> {19, 29}, 
 Filling -> Axis, 
 Ticks -> {Range[19, 31, 2], Automatic},
 PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, All}}]

enter image description here


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