I would like to write a replacement rule that gives all the possible products of traces for a given length. For example, all the possible partitions of length 3
can be obtained as follows:
(*{{3}, {2, 1}, {1, 1, 1}}*)
Each sublist gives the power in the trace, i.e. each sublist carries the following meaning:
$$\lbrace k_1,k_2,\ldots , k_n \rbrace \to \text{tr}\ a^{k_1}\ \text{tr}\ a^{k_2} \ldots \text{tr}\ a^{k_n}\,. \tag{1}$$
Hence the output of the seeked replacement rule should be (here for length 3
I hope it is clear enough! How can this be achieved?
rule = p_?VectorQ :> Times @@ (tr /@ (a^p)); IntegerPartitions[3] /. rule