Is't a bit of guesswork here, but taking the pixel values from the Adobe screenshot and cleaning them up a bit with Piecewise
img = Import[""];
pix[image_, px_] := (Evaluate[
ColorConvert[PixelValue[image, px], "HSB"]]][[1, #1]] &) /@
coords = ((CirclePoints[360] + 1.25) 240);
valsA = pix[img, #] & /@ coords;
Show[ListLinePlot@valsA[[All, 1]],
Plot[Piecewise[{{x/(2160/7) + 2/3, 0 <= x < 60}, {x/180 + 19/36,
55 <= x < 85}, {x/720 - 17/144,
85 <= x < 225}, {x /(8100/31) - 2/3,
225 <= x < 260}, {x /300 - 218/405, 260 <= x < 360}}], {x, 0,
360}, PlotStyle -> Red]]
one can then use the piecewise function to generate a colour wheel that correlates to Adobe's:
func[x_] := 360 Piecewise[{{x/(2160/7) + 2/3, 0 <= x < 60}, {x/180 + 19/36,
55 <= x < 85}, {x/720 - 17/144,
85 <= x < 225}, {x/(8100/31) - 2/3,
225 <= x < 260}, {x/300 - 218/405, 260 <= x < 360}}];
With[{sectors = 360}, angle = 2 Pi/sectors;
Flatten@Thread@{Table[{Hue[i], EdgeForm[{Thick, Hue[i]}]},
{i, Table[func[360 x/(2 Pi)]/360, {x, 1/sectors, 2 Pi,
2 Pi/(sectors)}]}],
Table[Disk[{0, 0}, 1, {i angle, (i + 1) angle}], {i, 0,
sectors - 1}]}, -Pi/2]}]]
though this is simpler still:
fun[x_] := Piecewise[{{x/(4 Pi), 0 <= x < (2 Pi) 14/36}, {x/(4 Pi),
0 <= x < (2 Pi) 14/36}, {10 x/51 + 7/36 - 70 Pi/459,
Pi 28/36 <=
x < (2 Pi) 67/72}, {(29/(5 Pi) - 26/17) x - (53/5 -
52 Pi/17), (2 Pi) 67/72 <= x < 2 Pi}}];
With[{sectors = 360}, angle = 2 Pi/sectors;
Thread@{Table[{Hue[i], EdgeForm[{Thick, Hue[i]}]}, {i,
Table[fun[x], {x, 1/sectors, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/(sectors)}]}],
Table[Disk[{0, 0}, 1, {i angle, (i + 1) angle}], {i, 0,
sectors - 1}]}}]]
which is actually quite close to a very simple function:
Plot[{fun[x], x/(2 Pi), x^2/(2 Pi)^2}, {x, 0, 2 Pi}]
and using fun[x_]:=x^2/(2 Pi)^2
is almost identical:
Added for reference:
Row[{cwf[secondaries, 200, funcAdobe],
cwf[secondaries, 200, funcA1[#, Pi/2] &],
cwf[secondaries, 200, funcA1[#, 2] &]}]
comparison with ChromaticityPlot
rain = Table[ColorData["Rainbow"][i], {i, 0, 1, 1/1000}];
rainh = cc /@ rain;
Row[{cwf[rainh, 200, funcAdobe, .02, 0], cwf[rainh, 200, funcA1[#, 1] &, .02, 0], ChromaticityPlot[rain, ImageSize->250]}]
cc[colour_] := (Evaluate[InputForm[ColorConvert[colour, "HSB"]]][[
1, #1]] &) /@ Range[3];
cwf[list_, width_, f_, dotwidth_, edgeform_] := Quiet@With[{
pts = Append[#, First[#]] &@
Table[{r {Cos[phi], Sin[phi]}, f@phi}, {phi, 0,
2 Pi, .1}, {r, 0, 1, .1}]},
Polygon[{{0, 0}, First[#1], First[#2]},
VertexColors -> (Hue /@ {{0, 0, 1}, Last[#1],
Last[#2]})] & @@@
Partition[pts[[All, -1, {1, 2}]], 2, 1],
Directive[If[edgeform == 0, Opacity[0], Opacity[1]],
Thread@{Hue[#, #2, #3],
Disk[#2 {Cos[Last@(x /. Solve[f[x] == #, x])],
Sin[Last@(x /. Solve[f[x] == #, x])]},
dotwidth]} & @@ # & /@ #}, ImageSize -> width]] &@list;
cwf[list_, width_, f_] := cwf[list, width, f, .1, 1];
cwf[list_, width_] := Module[{g}, g[x_] := x/(2 Pi); cwf[list, width, g]];
cwf[list_] := Module[{g}, g[x_] := x/(2 Pi); cwf[list, 300, g]];
func[x_] := (x)/(2 Pi); funcA[x_] := (x)^2/(2 Pi)^2;
funcA1[x_, n_] := (x)^N[n]/(2 Pi)^N[n];
funcAdobe[x_] := Piecewise[{{x/(4 Pi), 0 <= x < (2 Pi) 14/36}, {x/(4 Pi),
0 <= x < (2 Pi) 14/36}, {10 x/51 + 7/36 - 70 Pi/459,
Pi 28/36 <=
x < (2 Pi) 67/72}, {(29/(5 Pi) - 26/17) x - (53/5 -
52 Pi/17), (2 Pi) 67/72 <= x < 2 Pi}}];
. It takes aColorSpace
option, and one of the values can beAdobeRGB
, which I assume is what they are using in their color wheel. $\endgroup$