
I have two lists of files with slightly different naming conventions

files1 = {"DTideal_circ_def=000um_astX=000um_astY=410um.png","DTideal_circ_def=050um_defX=000um_defY=010um.png"}


I need to create pairs of files the paremeters of which are matching, i.e. to get


1 Answer 1


First, join the two groups:

Join[files1, files2]

Then gather them by their last 3 numbers like:

StringCases["DT120_blur7_Defoc=050um_AstigX=000um_AstigY=260um.png", DigitCharacter ..]

(*Out: {"120", "7", "050", "000", "260"} *)

StringCases["DT120_blur7_Defoc=050um_AstigX=000um_AstigY=260um.png", DigitCharacter ..][[-3;;]]

(*Out: {"050", "000", "260"} *)

GatherBy[Join[files1, files2], StringCases[#, DigitCharacter ..][[-3 ;;]] &]

Then select groups that have two elements:

Select[GatherBy[Join[files1, files2], StringCases[#, DigitCharacter ..][[-3 ;;]] &], Length[#] == 2 &]

(*Out: {{"DTideal_circ_def=000um_astX=000um_astY=410um.png", 
         "DT120_blur7_Defoc=050um_AstigX=000um_AstigY=010um.png"}} *)
  • $\begingroup$ That's perfect! Thank you so much! $\endgroup$
    – T. Rihacek
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 12:38

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