
Consider the following combination of Manipulate and learned PredictorFunction:

trainingset = {1 -> 1.3, 2 -> 2.4, 3 -> 4.4, 4 -> 5.1, 6 -> 7.3};
predictorFunction = Predict[trainingset];
Manipulate[predictorFunction[x], {x, 1, 6}]

It works great in the notebook.

enter image description here

But when I CloudDeploy it sadly does not work :(

 trainingset = {1 -> 1.3, 2 -> 2.4, 3 -> 4.4, 4 -> 5.1, 6 -> 7.3};
 predictorFunction = Predict[trainingset];
 Manipulate[predictorFunction[x], {x, 1, 6}]
  , Permissions -> "Public"


How do I convert a learned PredictorFunction into an equivalent function that works when CloudDeploy-ed

  • $\begingroup$ This works for me on M12.2. Which version of M are you using to deploy the object to cloud? When I try to interact with your deployed object I see this error towards the end of error messages: "Message[LibraryFunction::notfound, \ "/home/conor/mathematica/SystemFiles/Links/DAALLink/\ LibraryResources/Linux-x86-64/DAALLink.so"]". $\endgroup$
    – dsingh
    Commented Feb 19, 2021 at 22:39

1 Answer 1


Apparently InterpolationFunctions are Manipulate-able in a CloudDeploy.

Thus one work-around is to sample some data from the PredictorFunction and then use Interpolation to approximate the PredictorFunction with an InterpolationFunction.

 trainingset = {1 -> 1.3, 2 -> 2.4, 3 -> 4.4, 4 -> 5.1, 6 -> 7.3};
 predictorFunction = Predict[trainingset];
 interpolationFunction = Interpolation@Table[{x, predictorFunction[x]}, {x, 1, 6}];
 Manipulate[interpolationFunction[x], {x, 1, 6}]

  , Permissions -> "Public"]


enter image description here


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