Consider the following combination of Manipulate
and learned PredictorFunction
trainingset = {1 -> 1.3, 2 -> 2.4, 3 -> 4.4, 4 -> 5.1, 6 -> 7.3};
predictorFunction = Predict[trainingset];
Manipulate[predictorFunction[x], {x, 1, 6}]
It works great in the notebook.
But when I CloudDeploy
it sadly does not work :(
trainingset = {1 -> 1.3, 2 -> 2.4, 3 -> 4.4, 4 -> 5.1, 6 -> 7.3};
predictorFunction = Predict[trainingset];
Manipulate[predictorFunction[x], {x, 1, 6}]
, Permissions -> "Public"
How do I convert a learned
into an equivalent function that works whenCloudDeploy