As far as I understand it, you try to derive the law of retraction. Unfortunately, your notations are
not defined, so I'll use the notations from that Wiki article.
Without loss of generality we may put $c=1$. We know the quantities $a,b,l,n_1,n_2,$ and $x$ is unknown. The optimization problem to derminate $x$ is formulated as follows.
Minimize[{n1*Sqrt[x^2 + a^2] + n2*Sqrt[b^2 + (l - x)^2],
n1 > 0 && n2 > 0 && l >= 0 && b > 0 && a > 0 && x <= l && x >= 0}, x]
Five parameters are too much for Minimize
and the command is running without any response for hours. However, Mathematica does it for the specified parameters , e.g.
n1 = 1; n2 = 3/2; l = 2; b = 5; a = 1;
Minimize[{n1*Sqrt[x^2 + a^2] + n2*Sqrt[b^2 + (l - x)^2], n1 > 0 && n2 > 0 && l >= 0 && b > 0 &&
x <= l && x >= 0}, x] // AbsoluteTiming
{0.183459, {1/ 2 (2 Sqrt[ 1 + Root[36 - 36 # - 71 #^2 - 20 #^3 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]^2] + 3 Sqrt[29 - 4 Root[36 - 36 # - 71 #^2 - 20 #^3 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0] + Root[36 - 36 # - 71 #^2 - 20 #^3 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]^2]), {x -> Root[36 - 36 # - 71 #^2 - 20 #^3 + 5 #^4& , 1, 0]}}}
Now we extract
x = x /. x -> Root[36 - 36 # - 71 #^2 - 20 #^3 + 5 #^4 &, 1, 0];
and express $\sin \theta_1$ and $\sin \theta_2$ through $a,b,x,l$ (see the linked Wiki article)
FullSimplify[x/Sqrt[x^2 + a^2]/(l - x)*Sqrt[(l - x)^2 + b^2]]
I think Mathematica is able to crack the general case, but it requires a lot of time.
theta1 -> ConditionalExpression[ ArcTan[(d - d2 Tan[theta2])/ d1] + \[Pi] ConditionalExpression[1, \[Placeholder]], ConditionalExpression[1, \[Placeholder]] \[Element] Integers]