I want to copy the data in a public file (link in code below) and put each row of the data as a sub-list, i.e., in the format
{{Beginn,Ende,Dienst,ein/ausgehend,Laenge,Breite,Richtung,Cell-Id_A,Cell-Id_B,},{8/31/09 7:57,8/31/09 8:09,GPRS,ausgehend,13.39611111,52.52944444,30,45830,XXXXXXXXXX,},{....},..}
I tried copying to Mathematica using the code
but it gives me the following error message
RegularExpression::maxrec: Recursion limit exceeded; positive match might be missed. >>
I tried the alternative by first saving the file as CDFdata.csv on my machine under and used the code
Import["CDFdata.csv", Path -> "E:"]
but I get this error message
Import::nffil: File not found during Import. >>
Can someone please provide guidance on how to proceed? Thanks.