Although the radial ticks suggest that the circle radii range from 0 to 10, they actually range from 0 to 1. So we can add as Prolog
or Epilog
a disk with unit radius styled using RadialGradientFilling
. Adding opacity to the gradient filling makes the main plot elements more visible:
RadialAxisPlot[{3, 8, 5}, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"},
Prolog -> {RadialGradientFilling[{.2, .6, 1.} ->
(Append[.3] /@ {Green, Purple, Red})], Disk[]}]
A variation using annuli each with its own gradient filling:
RadialAxisPlot[{3, 8, 5}, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"},
Prolog ->
MapThread[{RadialGradientFilling[Append[.3] /@ {White, #2}], Annulus[{0, 0}, #]} &,
{Partition[{0.001, .2, .6, 1}, 2, 1], {Green, Purple, Red}}]]
Or use annuli with different colors without gradient filling:
RadialAxisPlot[{3, 8, 5}, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"},
Prolog -> MapThread[{Opacity[.25, #2], Annulus[{0, 0}, #]} &,
{Partition[{0.001, .2, .6, 1}, 2, 1], {Green, Purple, Red}}]]
If the gridlines are linear (as the option GridLines -> "Polygon"
will produce) the directives RadialGradientFilling
and LinearGradientFilling
do not give nice pictures:
Row[RadialAxisPlot[{3, 8, 5}, ImageSize -> 300,
AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"}, GridLines -> "Polygon",
Prolog -> {RadialGradientFilling[{.2, .6, 1.} ->
(Append[.3] /@ {Green, Purple, Red})], #}] & /@
{Disk[], Polygon[CirclePoints[{1, Pi/2}, 3]]}, Spacer[10]]
The following function lGFPolygon
produces a regular polygon with linear-radial gradient filling:
lGFPolygon[n_][colors_, weights_ : Automatic, opacity_ : .3] :=
Module[{cp = Most @ Subdivide[0, 2 Pi, n],
c = If[Head[colors] === String, colors,
(weights /. Automatic -> Most[Subdivide[Length@colors]]) ->
(Append[opacity] /@ colors)]},
tri = {LinearGradientFilling[c, Top], Polygon @ Prepend[{0, 0}]@
Transpose[Through[{Cos, Sin} @ Take[Pi/2 - Pi/n + cp, 2]]]};
Table[Rotate[tri, a, {0, 0}], {a, Pi/n + cp}]]
RadialAxisPlot[{3, 8, 5}, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"},
GridLines -> "Polygon",
Prolog -> { lGFPolygon[3][{Green, Purple, Red}, {.2, .6, 1}, .5]}]
RadialAxisPlot[{3, 8, 5}, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c"},
GridLines -> "Polygon",
Prolog -> { lGFPolygon[3]["SunsetColors"]}]
data = {3, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5};
RadialAxisPlot[data, AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"},
GridLines -> "Polygon",
Prolog -> {lGFPolygon[Length@data][{Green, Purple, Red}, {.2, .6, 1}, .5]}]
Update: An alternative way to get linear-radial filling for polygon grid lines is to use DensityPlot
of distance from the boundary of a regular polygon:
dP[n_, colors_, vals_ : Automatic, opacity_ : .5] :=
Module[{rp = RegularPolygon[{1, Pi/2}, n], rd},
rd = RegionDistance[RegionBoundary @ rp];
DensityPlot[rd[{x, y}], {x, y} ∈ rp,
Exclusions -> None,
ColorFunction -> If[Head[colors] === String, colors,
Blend[Thread[{1 - (vals /. Automatic -> Rest[Subdivide[Length@colors]]),
Append[opacity] /@ colors}], #] &],
PlotPoints -> 100]]
RadialAxisPlot[{1, 3, 8, 4, 2, 1, 4}, GridLines -> "Polygon",
AxesLabel -> {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"},
LabelStyle -> 16,
TicksStyle -> Directive[FontColor -> Darker @ Gray, White],
GridLinesStyle -> White,
AxesStyle -> White, Filling -> None,
Prolog -> dP[7, {Green, Purple, Red}, {0, .6, 1}][[1]]]
Use Prolog -> dP[Length @ data ,"SunsetColors"][[1]]
to get
Use Prolog -> (dP[Length @ data, "Rainbow"][[1]]/. c_?ColorQ :> Opacity[.3, c])
to get