I had a bug in my code which I tracked down to the simple number 0.805. So I looked at the FullForm of this number and I got
Times[0.805`, \.00]
It isn't a big deal, but I'm just curious what happened.
Here is more information. On an input line
- type: Times[0.805,.0
- then enter one more character: 0
On the screen, instead of Times[0.805,.00 , I see: Times[0.805,
In other words, when I press the key for the last character (i.e., 0), three previous characters disappear. Seems like a bug to me.
- Then on the same line I finally type: ] and press return. I get the output 0.805. Looks fine. But when I type FullForm[%] I see everything I typed, i.e.