
This code:

eqs =
  {Ca/u^2 + 
      r (6 a (c^2 - d^2) + 12 b c d + 6 (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2) Ca + 
         Ca^3) == 0,
    a (1/u^2 - 1) + 
      r (3 a (a^2 + b^2) + 6 a (c^2 + d^2) + 3 c^2 Ca - 3 d^2 Ca + 
         3 a Ca^2) == 1/2,
    b (1/u^2 - 1) + 
      r (3 b (a^2 + b^2) + 6 b (c^2 + d^2) + 6 c d Ca + 3 b Ca^2) == 0,
    c (1/u^2 - 1/4) + 
      r (6 (a^2 + b^2) c + 3 c (c^2 + d^2) + 6 (a c + b d) Ca + 
         3 c Ca^2) == 0,
    d (1/u^2 - 1/4) + 
      r (6 (a^2 + b^2) d + 3 d (c^2 + d^2) + 6 (-a d + b c) Ca + 
         3 d Ca^2) == 0, c > 0, d >= 0,
QQQ == c^2 + d^2, QQQ != 0
    } // Rationalize[#, 0] &;
NSolve[eqs /. {u -> 5, r -> 0.04}, {a, b, c, d, Ca, QQQ}, Reals]

Gives me this answer:

{{a -> -0.732167, b -> 0, c -> 1.06332, d -> 0, Ca -> 0.443594, 
  QQQ -> 1.13066}, 
 {a -> -0.732167, b -> 0, c -> 1.06332, d -> 0, 
  Ca -> 0.443594, QQQ -> 1.13066}, 
 {a -> -0.732167, b -> 0, 
  c -> 1.06332, d -> 0, Ca -> 0.443594, 
  QQQ -> 1.13066}, {a -> -0.732167, b -> 0, c -> 1.06332, d -> 0, 
  Ca -> 0.443594, QQQ -> 1.13066}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, 
  c -> 0.622043, d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, 
  QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, c -> 0.622043, 
  d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, 
  c -> 0.622043, d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, 
  QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, c -> 0.622043, 
  d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, 
  c -> 0.622043, d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, 
  QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, c -> 0.622043, 
  d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, 
  c -> 0.622043, d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, QQQ -> 0.773876}}

But as you see, there are several identical answers. And if a make WorkingPrecision -> 3, for example, this code is slow down. Maybe there is other methods to make this code faster?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ "But as you see, there are several identical answers." - that's a sign that those are multiple roots, which might present special considerations. You are fortunate that NSolve[] is telling you this. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 21, 2021 at 12:08
  • $\begingroup$ J.M. pointed out duplicate zeros, but if only a single solution was wanted, replace NSolve with FindInstance. But be aware that there are other solutions! $\endgroup$
    – rmw
    Commented Jan 21, 2021 at 13:04

3 Answers 3

eqs = {Ca/u^2 + 
     r (6 a (c^2 - d^2) + 12 b c d + 6 (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2) Ca + Ca^3) == 
    0, a (1/u^2 - 1) + 
     r (3 a (a^2 + b^2) + 6 a (c^2 + d^2) + 3 c^2 Ca - 3 d^2 Ca + 3 a Ca^2) ==
     1/2, b (1/u^2 - 1) + 
     r (3 b (a^2 + b^2) + 6 b (c^2 + d^2) + 6 c d Ca + 3 b Ca^2) == 0, 
   c (1/u^2 - 1/4) + 
     r (6 (a^2 + b^2) c + 3 c (c^2 + d^2) + 6 (a c + b d) Ca + 3 c Ca^2) == 0,
    d (1/u^2 - 1/4) + 
     r (6 (a^2 + b^2) d + 3 d (c^2 + d^2) + 6 (-a d + b c) Ca + 3 d Ca^2) == 
    0, c > 0, d >= 0, QQQ == c^2 + d^2, QQQ != 0};

Note that since your equations are exact, there is no benefit to using Rationalize.

Solve can rapidly find the exact real solutions and show that there are only two.

sol = Solve[eqs /. {u -> 5, r -> 1/25}, {a, b, c, d, Ca, QQQ}, Reals] // 

enter image description here

Use N to convert the Root expressions to their approximate numeric values.

soln = sol /. x_Root :> N[x]

(* {{a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, c -> 0.622043, d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, 
  QQQ -> 0.773876}, {a -> -0.732167, b -> 0, c -> 1.06332, d -> 0, 
  Ca -> 0.443594, QQQ -> 1.13066}} *)

Compare solutions with lower precision after NSolve is done:

NSolve[eqs /. {u -> 5, r -> 0.04}, {a, b, c, d, Ca, QQQ}, Reals] // 
 DeleteDuplicatesBy[SetPrecision[#, 6] &]
{{a -> -0.732167, b -> 0, c -> 1.06332,
  d -> 0, Ca -> 0.443594, QQQ -> 1.13066},
 {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0, c -> 0.622043, 
  d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0, QQQ -> 0.773876}}

Aside: The following hardly seems an answer, but it gets the job done. Set Method to something other than Automatic or "Homotopy", even bogus settings, and NSolve returns solutions without multiplicities:

NSolve[eqs /. {u -> 5, r -> 0.04}, {a, b, c, d, Ca, QQQ}, Reals, 
 Method -> "Foo"]

{{a -> -0.732167, b -> 0., c -> 1.06332,
  d -> 0., Ca -> 0.443594, QQQ -> 1.13066},
 {a -> -0.698614, b -> 0., c -> 0.622043, 
  d -> 0.622043, Ca -> 0., QQQ -> 0.773876}}
  • $\begingroup$ Can you check if Method -> "EndomorphismMatrix" yields a solution without multiplicities? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 21, 2021 at 15:36
  • $\begingroup$ @J.M. I checked all the methods list here, including "EndomorphismMatrix", plus a few others I made up. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jan 21, 2021 at 15:38
  • $\begingroup$ I also considered these method suboptions Internal`NSolveOptions[] --> {"ComplexEquationMethod" -> Automatic, "MonomialOrder" -> Automatic, "ReorderVariables" -> True, "SelectCriterion" -> (True &), "Tolerance" -> 0, "UseSlicingHyperplanes" -> True}. Couldn't figure out how to get any them to help. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jan 21, 2021 at 15:41

If you really are sure that you can ignore the root multiplicities, then you can rationalize your results with an appropriately chosen rounding threshold, then use DeleteDuplicates to remove the multiple roots:

solns = NSolve[
          eqs /. {u -> 5, r -> 0.04}, 
          {a, b, c, d, Ca, QQQ}, 

DeleteDuplicates@ Rationalize[solns, 0.0001] // N

{{a -> -0.732143, b -> 0., c -> 1.06329,
  d -> 0., Ca -> 0.443548, QQQ -> 1.13072},

 {a -> -0.69863, b->0., c -> 0.621951,
  d -> 0.621951, Ca -> 0., QQQ -> 0.77381}}

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