Similar as in this question, I have to read in data from a file (exampleFile.txt) which is not so well formatted. Unfortunately, I cannot find a solution by myself. Since it is a bit complicated to describe in which part of the data I am interested in at the moment, you can see in the screenshot below where I have marked in orange the data of interest.
Here is the code I got so far:
originalData=Import[file,"Table"];(*Read in of data*)
mainData=originalData[[38;;lengthOriginalData-4]];(*take bulk of data*)
mainData1=Position[mainData,"Ion"];(*Search for position all data of interest have in common*)
positionToDelte=Table[{2*i},{i,1,Length[mainData1]/2}];(*there are unnecessary positions*)
mainData2=Delete[mainData1,positionToDelte];(*delete unnecessary positions*)
mainData3=mainData[[mainData2[[All,1]]+3]];(*take the data of interest*)
emptyLine=Position [mainData3,"======================================================================================================"];(*there are still unnecessary lines*)
dataOfInterest=Delete[mainData3,emptyLine2];(*delete the unnecessary lines*)
arrayOfInterest=dataOfInterest[[All,1]];(*this is the array in which the data of interest are*)
arrayOfInterest1=StringReplace[arrayOfInterest,"³"->","];(*a try to get the data of interest out of this array*)
As you can test, I get almost all I want (perhaps not with the nicest methods). Actually, all I would need is that I can take in my arrayOfInterest1
the right elements but somehow this does not work (I think the reason is that this is a string, but I need numbers).