Instead of filtering symbolically, we can filter numerically to remove a large number of undesired tuples. Since the numerators and denominators are quadratic polynomials, the rational functions are determined by their values at five distinct points. To keep things in machine integers, we write a rational function as an ordered pair and code some of the algebra by hand. (Has someone already written a package that implements rational arithmetic in terms of ordered pairs?)
f12[a1_, a2_, a3_, a4_, a5_, a6_, b1_, b2_, b3_, b4_, b5_, b6_,
d_] := {-((a5 + a2 d - a5 d) (b4 + b1 d - b4 d) - (a4 + a1 d -
a4 d) (b5 + b2 d - b5 d)), (* numerator *)
(-(a6 + a3 d - a6 d) (b5 + b2 d - b5 d) + (a5 + a2 d - a5 d) (b6 +
b3 d - b6 d))}; (* denominator *)
f22[a1_, a2_, a3_, a4_, a5_, a6_, b1_, b2_, b3_, b4_, b5_, b6_,
d_] := {(a4 b6 - a6 (-1 + d) (b4 (-1 + d) - b1 d) +
d (a4 b3 - a3 b4 + a1 b6 - 2 a4 b6 + a3 (-b1 + b4) d +
(a1 - a4) (b3 - b6) d)), (* numerator *)
(a6 (-1 + d) (b5 (-1 + d) - b2 d) - a5 (-1 + d) (b6 (-1 + d) - b3 d) +
d (a2 b6 (-1 + d) - a2 b3 d +
a3 (b5 + b2 d - b5 d)))}; (* denominator *)
cf1 = Compile[{{a1, _Integer, 1}, {a2, _Integer, 1}, {a3, _Integer,
1}, {a4, _Integer, 1}, {a5, _Integer, 1}, {a6, _Integer,
1}, {b1, _Integer, 1}, {b2, _Integer, 1}, {b3, _Integer,
1}, {b4, _Integer, 1}, {b5, _Integer, 1}, {b6, _Integer,
1}, {d, _Integer}},
Evaluate@f12[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, d]];
cf2 = Compile[{{a1, _Integer, 1}, {a2, _Integer, 1}, {a3, _Integer,
1}, {a4, _Integer, 1}, {a5, _Integer, 1}, {a6, _Integer,
1}, {b1, _Integer, 1}, {b2, _Integer, 1}, {b3, _Integer,
1}, {b4, _Integer, 1}, {b5, _Integer, 1}, {b6, _Integer,
1}, {d, _Integer}},
Evaluate@f22[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, d]];
test = Compile[{{pair1, _Integer, 1}, {pair2, _Integer, 1}},
If[Last@pair1 == 0 || Last@pair2 == 0,
a1 = pair1[[1]], (* a1/a2 = f1[##, d] *)
a2 = pair1[[2]],
b1 = pair2[[1]], (* b1/b2 = f2[##, d] *)
b2 = pair2[[2]]
(b1 - b2) * (* b1/b2=f2[##,d]=1 *)
(a1 b2 - a2 b1) * (* b1/b2=f2[##,d]=f1[##,d]=a1/a2 *)
(a1 b2 + a2 b1 - a2 b2) * (* b1/b2=f2[##,d]=1-f1[##,d]=1-a1/a2 *)
(a1 b2 - a2 b1 - a2 b2) (* b1/b2=f2[##,d]=f1[##,d]-1=a1/a2-1 *)
RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}, Parallelization -> True];
res = Fold[Function[{tup, d},
cf1[##, d] & @@ Transpose[tup] // Transpose,
cf2[##, d] & @@ Transpose[tup] // Transpose],
Range[3, 7]
]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.068052, Null} *)
(* 19544 *)
Check symbolically:
res = Pick[res,
Quiet[FullSimplify[f2[##, d] == 1] ||
FullSimplify[f2[##, d] == f1[##, d]] ||
FullSimplify[f2[##, d] == (1 - f1[##, d])] ||
FullSimplify[f2[##, d] == (f1[##, d] - 1)] & @@@
res]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {10.7007, Null} *)
(* 19544 *)
Addendum: Symbolic speed-ups.
is usually as robust as FullSimplify
on rational functions. (I think "usually" can be replaced by "always," in fact.)
res = Pick[res,
Quiet[Simplify[f2[##, d] == 1] ||
Simplify[f2[##, d] == f1[##, d]] ||
Simplify[f2[##, d] == (1 - f1[##, d])] ||
Simplify[f2[##, d] == (f1[##, d] - 1)] & @@@
res]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {8.97561, Null} *)
Nesting Simplify
sometimes speeds things up. There's no real way to be sure without testing. If the first Simplify
simplifies a lot, then it usually will help. Simplify
also caches some results, which can trip up the one who would predict which way is faster.
res = Pick[res,
With[{sf1 = Simplify[f1[##, d]], sf2 = Simplify[f2[##, d]]},
Simplify[sf2 == 1] || Simplify[sf2 == sf1] ||
Simplify[sf2 == (1 - sf1)] || Simplify[sf2 == (sf1 - 1)]
] & @@@ res]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {5.78182, Null} *)
res = Pick[res,
Quiet[With[{sf2 = Simplify[f2[##, d]]},
Simplify[sf2 == 1] || (* won't go on to simplify f1[] if True *)
With[{sf1 = Simplify[f1[##, d]]},
Simplify[sf2 == sf1] || Simplify[sf2 == (1 - sf1)] ||
Simplify[sf2 == (sf1 - 1)]
]] & @@@ res]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {5.05181, Null} *)
? It's probably faster and sufficiently robust on rational functions. Also, you could be simplifyingf2
four times andf1
three times, which seems likely to be wasteful (it might not be, but it probably is). $\endgroup$Simplify
only two cases remained out of104 976
so I thinkSimplify
doesn't work. $\endgroup$