I'm trying to use mathematica to generate some code that I can use in excel.
The goal is to have something like:
IF(BB32="",CA31,0)+IF(BB34="",CA33,0)+IF(BB36="",CA35,0)+IF(BB38="",CA37,0)+IF(BB40="",CA39,0)+IF(BB42="",CA41,0)+ ....
I have written the following code:
Table[StringForm["+IF(BB`1`=\"\",CA`2`,0)", i, i - 1], {i, 44, 118,2}]
This seems to get me really close, but it adds commas between the terms. I could use a find and replace rule to remove the commas, but that would also get rid of the internal commas I want to keep.
I'm not sure what is the best way to go from here.