
The following:

a="FormBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\:f74d", RowBox[{"\:f74e", " ", "\:03b8"}]], "=", RowBox[{RowBox[{"x", " ", SuperscriptBox["sin", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"x", " ", SuperscriptBox["cos", "2"]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]";

displays with a leading " but no trailing ". I would expect the output to be "expression" or expression but getting "expression is obviously a bug. How can I fix this?

As you can see, I am storing a math expression with typesetting that may have a collision with the = assignment operator. What is the preferred method for assigning an expression that contains an unevaluated = operator? Is using a string the only way?

using mathematica 12 cloud based IDE.

  • $\begingroup$ What are those special characters at the beginning of your string? Would it work for you to just wrap your expression in Hold? $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Dec 27, 2020 at 22:03
  • $\begingroup$ the special characters were put there by mathematica after escaping to type exp e. after I posted I found out HoldForm works. This has a new side affect of turning the expression into an atomic that can not be edited after it is converted. $\endgroup$
    – acacia
    Commented Dec 27, 2020 at 22:08
  • $\begingroup$ I get this (Mac, V12.2), which looks fine, I think: i.sstatic.net/QQQri.png $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 27, 2020 at 22:48

1 Answer 1


When I copied and pasted your code into a V12.1.1 notebook on my system (MacOS 10.13.4), I got the following:


which doesn't display the problem you experienced. So I don't think there is any bug involved, just something corrupted in your notebook. You might try evaluating your expression in a clean notebook to see if that makes the problem go away.

But you also ask for recommendations of better practice. I recommend the following.

a = HoldForm[E^(I θ) == Cos[θ] + I Sin[θ]]


With this definition of a, you can still style the held expression.

Style[TraditionalForm @ a, 20, "TR"]


You can also do all kinds of other things with the expression held by a by using ReleaseHold. Here are a couple of examples:

ReleaseHold[a] // Simplify
{x, y} = Cases[ReleaseHold[a], u : (Sin | Cos)[θ] :> u, All]; {x, y}
{Cos[θ], Sin[θ]}


It occured to me that some people might prefer

{x, y} = Simplify[ReIm[ReleaseHold[a][[2]]], θ ∈ Reals]

to the 2nd example given above; it gives the same result. Of course, this works, too:

{x, y} = FullSimplify[ReIm[ReleaseHold[a][[1]]], θ ∈ Reals]

After all, equality is equality 😀 (see 1st example above for for confirmation of equality).


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