The following:
a="FormBox[RowBox[{SuperscriptBox["\:f74d", RowBox[{"\:f74e", " ", "\:03b8"}]], "=", RowBox[{RowBox[{"x", " ", SuperscriptBox["sin", "2"]}], "+", RowBox[{"x", " ", SuperscriptBox["cos", "2"]}]}]}], TraditionalForm]";
displays with a leading " but no trailing ". I would expect the output to be "expression"
or expression
but getting "expression
is obviously a bug. How can I fix this?
As you can see, I am storing a math expression with typesetting that may have a collision with the = assignment operator. What is the preferred method for assigning an expression that contains an unevaluated =
operator? Is using a string the only way?
using mathematica 12 cloud based IDE.