I think that ODE systems with $\| X'\| \sim O(\| X \|^2)$ tend to be unstable, that is, a small rounding error has a chance to cause a solution to blow up. First, boundary-value problems (BVPs) are not guaranteed to have solutions, and without a proof or evidence that a solution exists, difficulty in solving one should raise the question whether there is a solution to find. Second, instability makes a BVP at infinity hard to solve numerically, even when solutions do exist.
I haven't made a thorough analysis of the problem, but I got lucky (I think it was luck). When you get a NDSolve::ndsz
error and no solution returned when solving a BVP, it is usually because of bad starting initial conditions that yield a singularity, which conditions are automatically chosen for the shooting method. The shooting method computes the solution to an initial-value problem (IVP) and adjusts the initial conditions (ICs) trying to get the solution to converge to the boundary conditions (BCs).
You can control the "Shooting"
method of NDSolve
somewhat (see https://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/NDSolveBVP.html). You can specify "StartingInitialConditions"
, but sometimes this isn't enough. In such cases one might use ParametricNDSolveValue
to manually implement a shooting method
(How to avoid NDSolve::ndsz problem (singularity problem), Nonlinear differential equation: numerical solution).
In this case I tried "StartingInitialConditions"
. The first guess gave NDSolve::nderr
error test failure. If you know your ODE system, you might have insight into what are good guesses and what are not. I didn't have such insight, but I got lucky. To give me a better chance, I reduce the precision and accuracy goals and raised the WorkingPrecision
. The goal was to get a pretty good solution and then to refine it.
odes = {x'[t] == y[t], y'[t] == x[t]^2 - z[t]^2 + s[t] y[t] + 1,
s'[t] == 2 z[t] x[t] + p[t] s[t], z'[t] == s[t], p'[t] == -2 x[t]};
bcs = {x[0] == 0, z[0] == 0, p[0] == 0, x[14] == 0, z[14] == 1};
vars = {x, y, z, s, p};
sol32 =
NDSolve[{odes, bcs}, vars, {t, 0, 14},
Method -> {"Shooting",
"StartingInitialConditions" -> {s[14] == 0, y[14] == 0,
p[14] == 0, x[14] == 0, z[14] == 1}}, PrecisionGoal -> 6,
AccuracyGoal -> 6, WorkingPrecision -> 32];
solMP =
NDSolve[{odes, bcs}, vars, {t, 0, 14},
Method -> {"Shooting", "StartingInitialConditions" -> {
Through[vars[14]] == Through[vars[14] /. First[sol32]]}
PrecisionGoal -> 10, AccuracyGoal -> 10
ListLinePlot[vars /. First[solMP], PlotLegends -> vars]
Check the BCs:
bcs /. Equal -> Subtract /. First[sol32] // Norm
bcs /. Equal -> Subtract /. First[solMP] // Norm
that are chosen for the”ShootingMethod”
used for BVPs, which you can also look up in the docs. FinallyMethod -> “FiniteElement”
might work for you. $\endgroup$