
If I have the following list:

list={{tau -> 32.8775, b -> 0.299216}, {tau -> 24.4891, 
  b -> 0.277134}, {tau -> 12.6688, b -> 0.356032}, {tau -> 4.84722, 
  b -> 0.30632}, {tau -> 0.134423, b -> 0.965791}, {tau -> 0.103983, 
  b -> 0.587649}, {tau -> 0.0610192, b -> 0.999985}};

How can I get one list with only the values of the different tau and another one with only the values of b. For example, for the first list I should get:


Thank you


5 Answers 5

listtau = tau /. list
{32.8775, 24.4891, 12.6688, 4.84722, 0.134423, 0.103983, 0.0610192}
listb = b /. list
{0.299216, 0.277134, 0.356032, 0.30632, 0.965791, 0.587649, 0.999985}

Or, both lists in a single step:

{listtau, listb} = ReplaceAll[list] /@ {tau, b}
{{32.8775, 24.4891, 12.6688, 4.84722, 0.134423, 0.103983,  0.0610192}, 
{0.299216, 0.277134, 0.356032, 0.30632, 0.965791, 0.587649, 0.999985}}

You can also use

Transpose[{tau, b} /. list]

Values[FilterRules[list, #]] & /@ {tau, b} 

GroupBy[Join @@ list, First -> Last] /@ {tau, b}

Lookup[{tau, b}] @ Merge[list, Identity]

Merge[list, Identity] /@ {tau, b}

Values @ Merge[Identity] @ list

Transpose @ Values @ list

Transpose[list /. Rule -> Last]

to get the same result.

Note: The last three methods assume that the ordering of the rules tau -> .. and b -> .. is the same in all sublists.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I'd say that Lookup[list, tau] and Lookup[list, b] are the idiomatic ways to do this. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 7:52
First /@ Values[list]
Last /@ Values[list]
  • $\begingroup$ Values /@ list // Thread $\endgroup$
    – cvgmt
    Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 0:55
{listtau, listb} = Transpose@list[[;; , ;; , 2]]

Simplicity of the approach tau /. list and b /. list makes it quite natural to exploit. Nevertheless one can take into account another approach which can appear to be more efficient for long lists:

listtau = Last @@@ First @ Transpose @ list
listb = Last @@@ Last @ Transpose @ list
{32.8775, 24.4891, 12.6688, 4.84722, 0.134423, 0.103983, 0.0610192}
{0.299216, 0.277134, 0.356032, 0.30632, 0.965791, 0.587649, 0.999985}

It might be reasonable to consider also:

list[[All, 1, 2]]
list[[All, 2, 2]]

Here are a couple of more ways to extract tau and b from list

Method 1

assoc = Association[#] & /@ list;
listTau = #[tau] & /@ assoc
listB = #[b] & /@ assoc

Method 2

listTau = Values[First[#]] & /@ list
listB = Values[Last[#]] & /@ list

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