I have imported data to a list as below.
nn = Import["df.dat", "Table"];
nn is a 100 by 4 matrix which shows a 3D director field in 100 different points in x-y plane (the vectors are 3d, but their origins are in a 2D plane). To be more clear, $nn[[3, i]]$ shows the component of the vector originated at point 3 in the space. $i=1,2,3$ show the x,y,z component of the vector and i=4 shows the length of the vector.
Also, these 100 points in the 2D plane are arranged on a 10 by 10 square with equal distance.
I really appreciate it if someone can help me to visualize this vector field in an appropriate way.
Below is the first 5 lines of the df.dat file.
0.121963 -0.224769 0.966749 0.340097
0.095170 -0.243081 0.965326 0.340081
0.068667 -0.261505 0.962756 0.340071
0.042826 -0.279722 0.959125 0.340065
0.017990 -0.297426 0.954575 0.340059
The first line corresponds to the point (x,y)=(0,0), the second point to the point (x,y)=(1,0) and so on. The 12th point corresponds to (x,y)=(2,1), the 14th point to (x,y)=(3,1) and so on.