Here are some equations for illustration:
Format[Solve[{4*r1^3 == r2^2*(3*h),
t*r2^2*(h - d) == r2^2*(h + d)}, #] & /@ {{h, d}}, InputForm]
Here is their solution:
{{{h -> (4*r1^3)/(3*r2^2), d -> (4*r1^3*(-1 + t))/(3*r2^2*(1 + t))}}}
It is obvious that d -> h*(t - 1)/(t + 1)
in above equation.
Is there any way to force Mathematica to output the results as:
{{{h -> (4*r1^3)/(3*r2^2), d -> h*(-1 + t))/(1 + t)}}}
This was a simple example but sometimes equations become too complicated and run for multiple lines. Figuring out a way to express one variable in terms of another will simplify them a lot.
Thanks. :)