I want to put two ListDensityPlot together using "Style" command, but I don't how to control the size of the plot to make it the same height of the legend. The following the is code
p = ListDensityPlot[Table[Sin[i + j^2], {i, 0, 3, 0.05}, {j, 0, 3, 0.05}], ColorFunction ->"SolarColors", PlotLegends -> Automatic]
Style[Grid[{{"Title", SpanFromLeft}, {p, p}}, Spacings -> 0, ItemStyle -> Directive[FontFamily -> "CMU Serif", FontSize -> 40]], LineBreakWithin -> False]
The figure I want is
After I run the code kglr mention and set "LegendMarkerSize -> {Automatic, 500}"
ListDensityPlot[Table[Sin[i + j^2], {i, 0, 3, 0.05}, {j, 0, 3, 0.05}], ColorFunction -> "SolarColors", ImageSize -> {200, 200}, PlotLegends -> BarLegend[Automatic, LegendMarkerSize -> {Automatic, 500}]]
But it doesn't change the legend size.