Following my previous question Move axis and tick labels in RegionPlot to the top, change border color now, I have the following function
g := -(8 (1 + t) Sin[Sqrt[t] y] - (3 + t)^2 Sin[
Sqrt[t] (2 π + y)])^2 +
270.86 (1 + t)^2 Cos[(2 π Sqrt[t])/3]^2 Sin[ π Sqrt[t]]^2;
RegionPlot[g >= 0, {y, 0, 2}, {t, 1, 3.8}, PlotPoints -> 200,
FrameLabel -> {"t", "y"}]
which the result is plot 1. I need to have a plot like the second plot. Since here the two portions are connected, the methods in Move axis and tick labels in RegionPlot to the top, change border color do not help me. Is it possible to ask Mathematica to give me a plot like 2 in this case? Or, is there a way to do it manually using drawing tools in Mathematica?
P.S. I need to have such a plot over a large domain, therefore, plotting over different range separately and then merging them do not help.