Why does Mathematica give me the function domain of $$f(x)=(2x-3)^{\frac{1}{5}}-(2x+1)^{\frac{1}{5}}-(x - 3)^{\frac{1}{5}}$$ as $x\geq3$?
I used this command:
FunctionDomain[(3 x - 2)^(1/5) - (2 x + 1)^(1/5) - (x - 3)^(1/5), x, Reals]
It has to do with how mathematica evaluates x^(1/5), which is in principle a multivalued function. In your case I assume you want the real root. You can do that using Surd
. The following evaluates to True
FunctionDomain[ Surd[3 x - 2, 5] - Surd[2 x + 1, 5] - Surd[(x - 3), 5], x, Reals]
Plot[{(3 x - 2)^(1/5) - (2 x + 1)^(1/5) - (x - 3)^(1/5), Surd[3 x - 2, 5] - Surd[2 x + 1, 5] - Surd[x - 3, 5]}, {x, -5, 20}, PlotPoints -> 200, MaxRecursion -> 15, PlotStyle -> {{Thick, Red}, {Dashed, Lighter[Blue, 0.75]}}, PlotLegends -> Placed["Expressions", {.65, .7}], PlotRangePadding -> {{Automatic, Scaled[.1]}, Automatic}]
Dec 8, 2020 at 21:09
At $x = 0$, the last term in your expression is $$ (x-3)^{1/5} = (-3)^{1/5} \text{.} $$ Which of the five roots of $-3$ is that? It depends on whatever conventions Mathematica has for interpreting the sequence of symbols "(-3)^(1/5)". Let's find out.
(* {1/4 3^(1/5) (1 + Sqrt[5]), 3^(1/5) Sqrt[5/8 - Sqrt[5]/8]} *)
This is not $-(3^{1/5})$. In fact, it is the root of smallest nonnegative argument. The root your question leads me to think you were expecting is the root of third smallest nonnegative argument.
Simplify[ReIm[(-3)^(1/5) ((-1)^(2/5))^2]]
(* { -3^(1/5), 0 } *)
Why is this? Power is documented to give $x^y$ the principal value of $\mathrm{e}^{y \ln x}$. Log[-3]
has the value $\mathrm{i}\pi + \ln 3$, so we are looking at
$$ \mathrm{e}^{\frac{\ln 3}{5} + \mathrm{i}\frac{\pi}{5}} \text{,} $$
from which it is easy to see the argument is $\pi / 5$, so does not correspond to a real number. Consequently, $x = 0$ is not in the (real) domain of the function you give.
So to be in the (real) domain, the expression you wrote, with powers "1/5", $3x - 2 \geq 0$, $2x+1 \geq 0$, and $x-3 \geq 0$. Respectively, these given the constraints $x \geq 2/3$, $x \geq -1/2$, and $x \geq 3$. The portion of the number line satisfying all three is $x \geq 3$.
Or just use Reduce
Reduce[(3 x - 2)^(1/5) - (2 x + 1)^(1/5) - (x - 3)^(1/5) \[Element]
Reals, x, Reals]
(* x >= 3 *)
FunctionDomain[(3 x - 2)^(1/5) - (2 x + 1)^(1/5) - (x - 3)^(1/5), x, Complexes]
which returns True, to signify that it is defined everywhere. What was your expectation instead? $\endgroup$