
Alternatives seems to work fine with these simple patterns

StringMatchQ["Eric", Alternatives["Eric", "Geoff"]]    
(* True *)

StringMatchQ["Eric", Alternatives["Geoff", "Eric"]]
(* True *)

I have a more complex pattern that matches strings enclosed with parenthesis and optionally the string "sh" at the end. The patterns are below where I assign them to a variable

patternText = 
 StartOfString ~~ "(" ~~ 
  textContent : ((Join[{WordCharacter}, {"-", "+", "\\", ".", ",", 
        "/", ":", " "}] ..)) ~~ ")" ~~ EndOfString

patternTextShow = 
 StartOfString ~~ "(" ~~ 
  textContent : (Join[{WordCharacter}, {"-", "+", "\\", ".", ",", "/",
        ":", " "}] ..) ~~ ")sh" ~~ EndOfString

The patterns work fine by themselves

StringMatchQ["(Eric)", patternText]
(* True *)

StringMatchQ["(Eric)", patternTextShow]
    (* False *)

StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", patternText]
(* False *)

StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", patternTextShow]
(* True *)

The results are as expected.

When I use Alternatives, however, it only works if the matching pattern is first, fails otherwise.

StringMatchQ["(Eric)", Alternatives[patternTextShow, patternText]]
(* False *)

StringMatchQ["(Eric)", Alternatives[patternText, patternTextShow]]
(* True *)

StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", Alternatives[patternTextShow, patternText]]
(* True *)

StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", Alternatives[patternText, patternTextShow]]
(* False *)

Why is this?

I found that using Or solved the problem but would like to understand why the Alternatives approach fails.

 StringMatchQ["(Eric)", patternTextShow],
 StringMatchQ["(Eric)", patternText]
(* True *)

 StringMatchQ["(Eric)", patternText],
 StringMatchQ["(Eric)", patternTextShow]
(* True *)

 StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", patternTextShow],
 StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", patternText]
(* True *)

 StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", patternText],
 StringMatchQ["(Eric)sh", patternTextShow]

(* True *)
  • $\begingroup$ I would love to. There used to be an In Out merge in the Markup menu but I no longer see it. Can you refresh my memory as to how to do it? Meanwhile I will manually edit. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 17:39
  • $\begingroup$ Unfortunately I don’t know of an automated way here in the editor. Normally when I copy code from MMA by selecting it and CTRL+C, the In and Out don’t come with it. In fact I was wondering how you had gotten them in the first place :-) Thank you for editing them out. $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 17:53

1 Answer 1


The problem arises from naming the inner sub-patterns in your two pattern definitions with the same identifier. When you combine the patterns with Alternatives, you then have a pattern with two sub-patterns tagged with the same name, which is bad.

Consider this simpler case.

pattern1 = StartOfString ~~ "(" ~~ t : WordCharacter .. ~~ ")1" ~~ EndOfString;
pattern2 = StartOfString ~~ "(" ~~ t : WordCharacter .. ~~ ")2" ~~ EndOfString;
StringMatchQ["(Eric)1", pattern1 | pattern2]
StringMatchQ["(Eric)1", pattern2 | pattern1]
StringMatchQ["(Eric)2", pattern1 | pattern2]
StringMatchQ["(Eric)2", pattern2 | pattern1]


It is corrected by giving the tagged sub-patterns different names.

pattern1 = StartOfString ~~ "(" ~~ s : WordCharacter .. ~~ ")1" ~~ EndOfString;
pattern2 = StartOfString ~~ "(" ~~ t : WordCharacter .. ~~ ")2" ~~ EndOfString;
StringMatchQ["(Eric)1", pattern1 | pattern2]
StringMatchQ["(Eric)1", pattern2 | pattern1]
StringMatchQ["(Eric)2", pattern1 | pattern2]
StringMatchQ["(Eric)2", pattern2 | pattern1]


  • $\begingroup$ You nailed it. Thank you. When I named the patterns and used the variable names it obscured the fact that the identifier names were identical. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 18:46

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