This is just an extended comment as it doesn't answer the need for the correlation of $X(0)$ and $X(t)$ to be proportional to $e^{-t/\tau_c}$.
I'm unaware of a specific process in Mathematica that directly generates a random process between -1 and +1 but you can use TransformedProcess
and the inverse of the Fisher z-transformation to convert a process between $-\infty$ and $+\infty$ to be between -1 and +1.
p = TransformedProcess[(-1 + E^(2 y[t]))/(1 + E^(2 y[t])),
y \[Distributed] OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess[0, 0.4, 0.8], t]
data = RandomFunction[p, {0, 10, 0.001}]
ListLinePlot[data, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-1, 1}}]
ListPlot[{CorrelationFunction[data, {5000}], Table[{t, Exp[-t/500]}, {t, 0, 5000}]},
PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-1, 1}}, PlotLegends -> {"From data", "From model"}, Joined -> True,
AxesLabel -> {"t", "Correlation"}]
is indeed implemented. Can you explain how it relates to the process you want? I don't think you are providing enough information for people to help you out. $\endgroup$