Building neural nets in the WL is great. I was in the process of rewriting a previous GAN of mine in the WL to see if I can get better performance, and was surprised to find that the standard DeconvolutionLayer does not have the same coverage as ConvolutionLayer. There's no option on the DeconvolutionLayer
to enter a {h, w, d}
-sized kernel. My use is in the Architecture/Engineering field but this seems like an even larger oversight for people doing medical image analysis. Be that as it may, the search is now on for a good workaround. I'm looking for something similar in functionality to Tensorflow2 Keras' Conv3DTranspose.
There seems to be very little writing online about this particular corner of Mathematica. There is this 2018 post by Martijn Froeling on the Wolfram Community forums which I'm investigating. Instead of upscaling through a DeconvolutionLayer
that keeps the trainable parameters, there's quite a lot of working around with RescaleLayer
and ResizeLayer
. I spent yesterday parsing its flow and looking up all the layers in the docs but there are still gaps in my knowledge. What's completely lost on me are the "whys". Why does this lead to this? Why did they choose to put this after that? I'm really missing the big picture here, and would like to have a better understanding of this workaround before I use a variation of it in my project.
If someone who can parse this code better than I can annotate it? And perhaps use it on an example Image3D
resource? This is good information for the community I think, until the DeconvolutionLayer
has better coverage to match TensorFlow2. Is there a chance that the WL neural network framework has implemented this functionality but it doesn't work as we expect?
DeconvLayer2D[n_, {dimInx_, dimIny_}] := Block[{sc = 2},
DeconvolutionLayer[n, {sc, sc}, "Stride" -> {sc, sc}, "Input" -> {sc n, dimInx, dimIny}]
ResizeLayer2D[n_, {dimInx_, dimIny_}] := Block[{sc = 2},
ResizeLayer[{Scaled[sc], Scaled[sc]}, "Input" -> {sc n, dimInx, dimIny}],
ConvolutionLayer[n, 1]
ResizeLayer3D[n_, {dimInx_, dimIny_, dimInz_}] := Block[{sc = 2},
NetChain[ {
FlattenLayer[1, "Input" -> {n sc, dimInx, dimIny, dimInz}],
ResizeLayer[{Scaled[sc], Scaled[sc]}],
ReshapeLayer[{n sc, dimInx, sc dimIny, sc dimInz}],
TransposeLayer[2 <-> 3],
ResizeLayer[{Scaled[sc], Scaled[1]}],
ReshapeLayer[{n sc, sc dimIny, sc dimInx, sc dimInz}],
TransposeLayer[2 <-> 3],
ConvolutionLayer[n, 1]
{DeconvLayer2D[16, {2, 4}], ResizeLayer2D[16, {2, 4}], ResizeLayer3D[16, {2, 4, 6}]}