
In a cell whose LanguageCategory option is "Input", boxes will be syntax-highlighted. Is there any way to diasble such cell-formatting behaviors for inner boxes?

Additional Requirement: No inline cells should be used. That makes the Tab key unable to be used for jumps between placeholders. (There're more side effects not mentioned for inline cells.)


(* highlighted *)
CellPrint@Cell[BoxData@RowBox@{"boxA", "boxB"}, "Input"]

(* disable highlighting for one box with inline cells *)
CellPrint@Cell[BoxData@RowBox@{"boxA", Cell[BoxData@"boxB", LanguageCategory -> None]}, "Input"]

(* jumps between placeholders fails, so I don't want to use inline cells *)
CellPrint@Cell[BoxData@RowBox@{"boxA\[Placeholder]", Cell[BoxData@"boxB\[Placeholder]", LanguageCategory -> None]}, "Input"]

Other cell options to be screened

  • ShowStringCharacters
  • ... (Most of the options in StyleData["Input"] in Core.nb)

1 Answer 1


It seems that you can use the StyleBox:

StyleBox["boxB", LanguageCategory -> None]
 Cell[BoxData @ RowBox @ {"boxA", StyleBox["boxB", LanguageCategory -> None]},   "Input"]

(*jumps between placeholders works*)
CellPrint @  Cell[ BoxData @ RowBox @ {
  StyleBox["boxB\[Placeholder]", LanguageCategory -> None]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ I find that I'd underestimated StyleBox so much after having tried Keys@Options@StyleBox. $\endgroup$
    – asd1dsa
    Oct 21, 2020 at 18:45

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