In my opinion, this problem is the same as a rolling ellipsoid on a plane without slipping, which can solved by Euler equations for rigid body.
The Euler equations in body axes are
with initial conditions
where $\omega_i$ and $I_i$ are the angular frequency and momentum of inertia in the three principle axes.
Then the three Euler angles $\theta, \psi, \phi$ are solved using the Euler angle equations:
After get the Euler angles function of time, we can easily make a movie.
The line on the ellipsoid is called polhode (black curve) and the line on the plane is called herpolhode (red curve).
a = 3; b = 4; c = 1;(*The Length of the cubic*)
I1 = M/12 (b^2 + c^2); I2 = M/12 (a^2 + c^2); I3 = M/12 (a^2 + b^2); M = 12;(*Three momentum of inertia in principle axes*)
w10= 1; w20 = 2; w30 = 1;(*The initial conditions*)
L = Sqrt[w10^2 I1^2 + w20^2 I2^2 + w30^2 I3^2];(*The magnitude of the angular momentum*)
T = 1/2 w10^2 I1 + 1/2 w20^2 I2 + 1/2 w30^2 I3 ;(*The kenetic engergy*)
d = Sqrt[2 T]/L;(*The distance of the origin to the plane*)
solw = NDSolve[{I1 w1'[t] == (I2 - I3) w2[t] w3[t],
I2 w2'[t] == (I3 - I1) w1[t] w3[t],
I3 w3'[t] == (I1 - I2) w2[t] w1[t], w1[0] == w10, w2[0] == w20,
w3[0] == w30}, {w1, w2, w3}, {t, 0, 20}] //
Flatten;(*Solve Euler equations, in the body axes*)
solang = NDSolve[{\[Phi]'[
t] Sin[\[Theta][t]] Sin[\[Psi][t]] + \[Theta]'[
t] Cos[\[Psi][t]] == w1[t],
\[Phi]'[t] Sin[\[Theta][t]] Cos[\[Psi][t]] - \[Theta]'[
t] Sin[\[Psi][t]] == w2[t],
\[Phi]'[t] Cos[\[Theta][t]] + \[Psi]'[t] == w3[t], \[Phi][0] ==
0.01, \[Theta][0] == 0.01, \[Psi][0] == 0.01} /.
solw, {\[Phi], \[Theta], \[Psi]}, {t, 0, 20}] //
Flatten;(*Solve the equations of Euler angles*)
w1[t_] = w1[t] /. solw; w2[t_] = w2[t] /. solw; w3[t_] = w3[t] /. solw;
\[Phi][t_] = \[Phi][t] /. solang; \[Theta][t_] = \[Theta][t] /.
solang; \[Psi][t_] = \[Psi][t] /. solang;
A[t_] = {{Cos[\[Psi][t]], Sin[\[Psi][t]], 0}, {-Sin[\[Psi][t]],
Cos[\[Psi][t]], 0}, {0, 0, 1}}.{{1, 0, 0}, {0, Cos[\[Theta][t]],
Sin[\[Theta][t]]}, {0, -Sin[\[Theta][t]],
Cos[\[Theta][t]]}}.{{Cos[\[Phi][t]], Sin[\[Phi][t]],
0}, {-Sin[\[Phi][t]], Cos[\[Phi][t]], 0}, {0, 0,
1}};(*Transformation matrix as a function of time*)
cpilherpolhode =
Compile[{{t, _Real}},
Transpose[{{Cos[\[Psi][t]], Sin[\[Psi][t]], 0}, {-Sin[\[Psi][t]],
Cos[\[Psi][t]], 0}, {0, 0, 1}}.{{1, 0, 0}, {0,
Cos[\[Theta][t]], Sin[\[Theta][t]]}, {0, -Sin[\[Theta][t]],
Cos[\[Theta][t]]}}.{{Cos[\[Phi][t]], Sin[\[Phi][t]],
0}, {-Sin[\[Phi][t]], Cos[\[Phi][t]], 0}, {0, 0, 1}}].(1/Sqrt[
2 T] {w1[t], w2[t], w3[t]})];(*Compile the herpolhode equations*)
polhode =
Table[Point[(1/Sqrt[2 T] {w1[t], w2[t], w3[t]})], {t, 0, 10,
0.1}] /. solw;(*polhode*)
elps = Scale[{Sphere[],
Line@Table[{1.01 Cos[u], 1.01 Sin[u], 0}, {u, 0., 2 Pi,
2 Pi/30}], i, {0, 1, 0}], {i, 0, \[Pi], \[Pi]/3}],
Table[{1.01 Cos[u], 1.01 Sin[u], 0}, {u, 0., 2 Pi,
2 Pi/30}], \[Pi]/2, {1, 0, 0}]}, {1/Sqrt[I1], 1/Sqrt[I2] , 1/
Sqrt[I3] }, {0, 0, 0}];(*ellipsoid of inertia with lines on it*)
elpspolhode = {elps, polhode};(*combine the ellipsoid and the polhode*)
plane = Plot3D[
L/(w30 I3) (d - (w10 I1)/L x - (w20 I2)/L y), {x, -0.4,
0.4}, {y, -0.5, 0.5}, Mesh -> None,
PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.5]];(*plane*)
Rotate[elpspolhode, \[Phi][t], {0, 0, 1}], \[Theta][
t], {Cos[\[Phi][t]], Sin[\[Phi][t]], 0}], \[Psi][
t], {Sin[\[Theta][t]] Sin[\[Phi][
t]], -Sin[\[Theta][t]] Cos[\[Phi][t]], Cos[\[Theta][t]]}]],
plane}, ParametricPlot3D[cpilherpolhode[tt], {tt, 0, t},
PlotStyle -> Red], AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> 0.5,
Boxed -> False, ViewAngle -> 0.24252597899424388`,
ViewPoint -> {0.09410273512100081`, -1.389522619330309`,
ViewVertical -> {0.4688415188450498`, 0.3712202655129461`,
0.8014880814332579`}], {t, 0.001, 20, 0.1}]