I am trying to solve the following code:
R1 = 100;
R5 = 45;
L1 = 346*10^(-3);
L2 = 7169*10^(-9);
c = 360*10^(-5);
Vi = LaplaceTransform[230*Sqrt[2]*Sin[100*Pi*t], t, s];
R2 = s*L1;
R3 = 1/(s*c);
R4 = s*L2;
x = (R2 R3 R5 Vi)/(
R1 R3 (R4 + R5) + R2 R3 (R4 + R5) + R1 R2 (R3 + R4 + R5));
n)*(Integrate[(InverseLaplaceTransform[x, s, t])^2, {t, 0,
n}])], n -> Infinity]]
But it is taking so long to complete, how can I improve the runtime?