I'm trying to define a simple function that will accept a symbol and an expression, set the symbol equal to the expression, and then print out info about the equation. Like so:
Attributes[showValue] = {HoldAll};
Options[showValue] = {"N" -> False, "S" -> False};
showValue[sym_, value_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
sym = value;
HoldForm[sym], " = ",
If[OptionValue["S"], ScientificForm] If[OptionValue["N"],
N] value
as you can see, I want to have some options that i can use to change the format of the output. What I would like is so that if the If evaluates to true, that it will return the function header in such a way as to apply the function to the arguments that are to the if statements' right. If effect, if the options given are:
UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "BoltzmannConstant"], ("Electronvolts")/(
"Kelvins")], "N" -> True, "S" -> True];
then the result will be:
k = ScientificForm@N@k = 8.61733*10^(-5)eV/K
The purpose of this is so I can avoid an extremely large and burdensome branching tree, once I put in more options. My understanding of Mathematica leads me to believe that something like this is possible because we have operator behavior and functions that can return operators, I just don't know what the syntax for that is suppose to be.