I want to solve the chemotaxis mode, given by the next non-linear system:
It is taken from Murray's book: equation (11.30) at pag. 408
$$\frac{\partial n}{\partial t} = D \frac{\partial^2 n}{\partial x^2} -\xi_0 \partial_x \Bigl( n \frac{\partial a}{\partial x} \Bigr)$$
$$\frac{\partial a}{\partial t} = hn - ka + D_a \frac{\partial^2 a}{\partial x^2}$$
where $h,k,D_a,D$ are just parameters, and $D_a>D$ and the domain is $x \in [-6,6]$
I decided to take as no flux boundary conditions, i.e. $$\partial_x(n(-6,t))=\partial_x (a(-6,t))=0$$ $$\partial_x(n(6,t))=\partial_x (a(6,t))=0$$
and as initial conditions $$n(0,x)=e^{-x^2}$$ $$a(0,x)=\cos( \pi x)$$
Note that numerically the conditions are compatbile since the exponential is "flat". I know that analytically it's not true.
I integrated up to time $T=0.1$ with my own FEM solver (with linear finite elements) and obtain the following, using the parameters $$D = 2 \quad D_a = 5.5 \quad h = 0.5 \quad k = 0.5 \quad \xi_0 = 0.2$$
I'd like to use Mathematica to check my results and to try what comes out by changing some parameters, but I can't understand how to solve a non-linear system like the one above. Could someone show the plot I should obtain with Mathematica, and, if possible, the right code-snippet?
Here is what I obtain, which has the shape of Daniel answer's, which seems to be similar to his one
The pysical principle behind the model is:
The amoebae of the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, with density n(x, t), secrete a chemical attractant, cyclic-AMP, and spatial aggregations of amoebae start to form. THe book says ti use zero-flux boundary conditions, and that's fine. But what initial conditions could I use for $n(x,t)$ and $a(x,t)$ that are physically relevant?