Run this code in the preamble for a working example of what I'm dealing with.
Census Tract Entity Store
ResourceData[ResourceObject["Census Tract Entity Store"]]; // Quiet
EntityRegister[ResourceData[ResourceObject["Census Tract Entity Store"]]]; // Quiet
Function Declaration
f[x_] := EntityValue[EntityClass["CensusTract", "ADM2" -> x],
EntityProperty["CensusTract", "B19013_001E"], "Association"] //
List of Counties
Click here for Pastebin of list of counties. You have to run this code in order for this example to work.
Take a look at the following line of code. It generates a map of the census tracts in the DMV area, colored by income. When I run it, having run all the code above first, I am seeing that D.C. and Baltimore are blank. See the areas I'm talking about circled in blue in the figure below. (I added the blue circles after the fact)
GeoRegionValuePlot[<|Map[f, dmvCounties]|>, ImageSize -> 500]
My question is: why are D.C. and Blatimore blank? How can I include them in this map as well?