I have asked this question before, but this is my new attempt and so instead of cluttering the previous one, I am making a new post. I am trying to analytically solve a PDE ($\nabla^2 T(x,y)=0$) coupled with an ODE. The PDE is subjected to the following boundary conditions:
$$\frac{\partial T(0,y)}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial T(L,y)}{\partial x}=0 \tag 1$$
$$\frac{\partial T(x,0)}{\partial y}=\gamma \tag 2$$
$$\frac{\partial T(x,l)}{\partial y}=\beta (T(x,l)-t) \tag 3$$
where $t$ is governed by the ODE:
$$\frac{\partial t}{\partial x}+\alpha(t-T(x,l))=0 \tag 4$$
subjected to $t(x=0)=0$. I am trying separation of variables. I manipulated $(4)$ to express $t$ as $t=\alpha e^{-\alpha x}\Bigg(\int_0^x e^{\alpha s }T(s,l)\mathrm{d}s\Bigg)$ and substituted in $(3)$ while applying the 3rd b.c.
My attempt is (I must acknowledge Bill Watts here as I have used methods I learned from his answer on MMA SE):
pde = D[T[x, y], x, x] + D[T[x, y], y, y] == 0
(*product form*)
T[x_, y_] = X[x] Y[y]
pde/T[x, y] // Expand
xeq = X''[x]/X[x] == -a^2
DSolve[xeq, X[x], x] // Flatten
X[x_] = X[x] /. % /. {C[1] -> c1, C[2] -> c2}
yeq = Y''[y]/Y[y] == a^2
DSolve[yeq, Y[y], y] // Flatten
Y[y_] = (Y[y] /. % /. {C[1] -> c3, C[2] -> c4})
(*addition form*)
T[x_, y_] = Xp[x] + Yp[y]
xpeq = Xp''[x] == b
DSolve[xpeq, Xp[x], x] // Flatten
Xp[x_] = Xp[x] /. % /. {C[1] -> c5, C[2] -> c6}
ypeq = Yp''[y] + b == 0
DSolve[ypeq, Yp[y], y] // Flatten
Yp[y_] = Yp[y] /. % /. {C[1] -> 0, C[2] -> c7}
T[x_, y_] = X[x] Y[y] + Xp[x] + Yp[y]
pde // FullSimplify
(*Applying the first and second b.c.*)
(D[T[x, y], x] /. x -> 0) == 0
c6 = 0
c2 = 0
c1 = 1
(D[T[x, y], x] /. x -> L) == 0
b = 0
a = (n π)/L
$Assumptions = n ∈ Integers
(*Applying the third b.c.*)
(D[T[x, y], y] /. y -> 0) == γ
c4 = c4 /. Solve[Coefficient[%[[1]], Cos[(π n x)/L]] == 0, c4][[1]]
c7 = c7 /. Solve[c7 == γ, c7][[1]]
T[x, y] // Collect[#, c3] &
(*now splitting T[x,y] into two parts*)
T[x, y] /. n -> 0
T0[x_, y_] = 2 c3 + c5 + y γ /. c5 -> 0
Tn[x_, y_] = T[x, y] - T0[x, y] // Simplify
(*applying the fourth b.c. to each part individually and using orthogonality*)
bcfn0 = (D[T0[x, y], y] /. y -> l) == β (T0[x, l] - α E^(-α x) Integrate[E^(α s) T0[s, l], {s, 0, x}])
Integrate[bcfn0[[1]], {x, 0, L}] == Integrate[bcfn0[[2]], {x, 0, L}]
Solve[%, c3]
c3 = c3 /. %[[1]]
bcfn = (D[Tn[x, y], y] /. y -> l) == β (Tn[x, l] - α E^(-α x) Integrate[E^(α s) Tn[s, l], {s, 0, x}])
Solve[Integrate[bcfn[[1]]*Cos[(n*Pi*x)/L], {x, 0, L}] == Integrate[bcfn[[2]]*Cos[(n*Pi*x)/L], {x, 0, L}], c5];
c5 = c5 /. %[[1]];//FullSimplify
T0[x_, y_] = T0[x, y] // Simplify
Tn[x_, y_] = Tn[x, y] // Simplify
Now we declare some constants and compile the functions
α = 62.9/2;
β = 1807/390;
γ = 3091.67/390;
L = 0.060;
l = 0.003;
T[x_, y_, mm_] := T0[x, y] + Sum[Tn[x, y], {n, 1, mm}]
Plot[{Evaluate[T[x, 0, 10]], Evaluate[T[x, l/2, 10]], Evaluate[T[x, l, 10]]}, {x, 0, L}]
The plot results are extremely ambiguous. The solution is not even converging (as I increase the number of terms , the T
value keeps increasing). I cannot figure out what I have done wrong. Since the $T$ results are completely out, I have not calculated $t$. I cannot figure out what I have done wrong.