I'm trying to solve:
$\partial _{z} U(z,t) = i \sqrt{d} P(z,t)$
$\partial _{t} P(z,t) = -P(z, t) + i \sqrt{d} U(z,t) + i \Omega_{c}(t)S(z, t)$
$\partial _{t} S(z,t) = i \Omega_{c}(t)P(z, t)$
For the initial conditions
$P(z, 0) = 0$
$S(z, 0) = 0$
$U(0, t) = A \exp\Bigg(-4 \ln(2) \Bigg(\frac{t-t_{0}}{\tau}\Bigg)\Bigg) \,,$
where A, $\tau$ and d are all constants.
As I understand it, NDSolve cannot deal with this problem due to there being a derivative of only one dimension on each of the equations. I've attempted to solve using the method of lines, as shown in answers such as this: NDSolve:Coupled PDE's, initial-boundary value problem: unreasonable "insufficient number of boundary conditions" error. However while the solver shows no errors, plotting the result just produces a blank box.
My code is shown below. I have removed the part which computes the constants to make it more legible. Capital "I" below refers to the complex number i.
d = 84.9601
tau = 0.1
OmegaC = 27.7259
pulseTime = 2 Pi/OmegaC
storageTime = 0.2;
twriteon = t0 - pulseTime/2;
twriteoff = t0 + pulseTime/2;
treadon = t0 + pulseTime/2 + storageTime;
treadoff = t0 + pulseTime/2 + storageTime + pulseTime;
OmegaFunc[t_?NumericQ /; t < twriteon] = 0;
OmegaFunc[t_?NumericQ /; twriteoff >= t >= twriteon] = OmegaC;
OmegaFunc[t_?NumericQ /; treadon > t > twriteoff] = 0;
OmegaFunc[t_?NumericQ /; treadoff >= t >= treadon] = OmegaC;
OmegaFunc[t_?NumericQ /; t > treadoff] = 0;
(*Plot[OmegaFunc[t], {t, 0, tend}, PlotRange -> All]*)
(*Initial conditions*)
p0 [z_] = 0;
s0[z_] = 0;
A = 9.39437
u0[t_] = A* Exp[-4*Log[2]*((t - t0 )/tau)^2];
(*Plot[u0[t], {t, 0, tend}, PlotRange -> All]*)
(*Define arrays in z to discretize problem in z*)
zmax = 1;
n = 4;
h = zmax/n;
P[t_] = Table[p[i][t], {i, 1, n}];
S[t_] = Table[s[i][t], {i, 1, n}];
integrateP = Join[{p[1][t]}, Table[p[i - 2][t] + p[i - 1][t], {i, 3, n}]];
U[t_] = Join[{u0[t]}, integrateP];
(*Construct equations*)
eqP = Thread[
D[P[t], t] == -P[t] + I Sqrt[d] U[t] + I OmegaFunc[t] S[t]];
eqS = Thread[D[S[t], t] == I OmegaFunc[t] P[t]];
initP = Thread[P[0] == Table[p0[(i - 1) h], {i, 1, n}]];
initS = Thread[S[0] == Table[s0[(i - 1) h], {i, 1, n}]];
lines = NDSolve[{eqP, eqS, initP, initS}, {P[t], S[t]}, {t, 0, tend}];
ztab = Table[(i - 1) h, {i, 1, n}];
Evaluate@Thread[{ztab, t, lines[[1, 1]]}], {t, 0, tend},
PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> {"z", "t", "P"},
BoxRatios -> {2, 2, 1}, ImageSize -> Large,
LabelStyle -> {Black, Bold, Medium}]
Evaluate@Thread[{ztab, t, lines[[1, 2]]}], {t, 0, tend},
PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> {"z", "t", "S"},
BoxRatios -> {2, 2, 1}, ImageSize -> Large,
LabelStyle -> {Black, Bold, Medium}]
I've shown the result of plotting P(z, t) below. S(z, t) is the same.
Could anyone help with what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.