As Szabolcs pointed out, I was running into the resolution of the timer in my system in my attempts to micro benchmark. Also, my attempts at micro benchmarking were incorrect I might add, but more on that later.
I was able to see the light only after scratching my head for a number of days on Szabolcs' comment and working on a performance package, I finally came across $TimeUnit
here. I got the idea to use Pause[10*$TimeUnit]
as the code being tested in each case. Clearly Pause[10*$TimeUnit]
is above the resolution of the timer in my system. Oh, in case you are curious, $TimeUnit
is 1/100
on my system (2011 MBP 17" running Lion).
For those of you who want to play along at home, the following is the updated micro benchmarking code: (btw it is still incorrect).
PrintHeader[] :=
Print[" Total Mean Min Max StdDev "];
PrintStats[doTimes_List , mapTimes_List] :=
Print["Do ", " ", doTotal = Total[doTimes], " ",
doMean = Mean[doTimes], " ", Min[doTimes], " ", Max[doTimes],
" ", StandardDeviation[doTimes]];
Print["Map ", " ", mapTotal = Total[mapTimes], " ",
mapMean = Mean[mapTimes] " ", Min[mapTimes], " ", Max[mapTimes],
" ", StandardDeviation[mapTimes]];
Print["Do-Map", " ", doTotal - mapTotal, " ", doMean - mapMean,
iterations = 1000;
doTimes = {};
, {iterations}];
mapTimes = Map[
&, Range[1, iterations]];
PrintStats[doTimes, mapTimes];
), {5}];
Total Mean Min Max StdDev
Do 100.339 0.100339 0.100027 0.101277 0.000330
Map 100.343 0.100343 0.100035 0.101294 0.000330
Do-Map -0.004 -4.*10^-6
Do 100.351 0.100351 0.100036 0.101276 0.000327
Map 100.338 0.100338 0.100035 0.101247 0.000330
Do-Map 0.013 0.000013
Do 100.328 0.100328 0.100025 0.101328 0.000319
Map 100.346 0.100346 0.100027 0.101280 0.000332
Do-Map -0.018 -0.000018
Do 100.347 0.100347 0.100029 0.101238 0.000330
Map 100.332 0.100332 0.100021 0.101235 0.000338
Do-Map 0.015 0.000015
Do 100.330 0.100330 0.100023 0.101258 0.000318
Map 100.327 0.100327 0.100028 0.101238 0.000324
Do-Map 0.003 3.*10^-6
The results are as expected, there is no longer a consistent difference between the Do an Map implementations.
Incorrect Micro Benchmarking Method
So why are were my two implementations of micro benchmarking above incorrect? I wanted to capture timing values for each call of the code being tested over a large number of iterations so that I could perform various analytics on them (sum, mean, min, max, std dev, plotting, histogram, ...).
I thought AbsoluteTiming
was incredibly precise. When I evaluated the simple expression 1
, AbsoluteTiming[1]
returned {0.000014, 1}
. 0.000014
is way more precise than $TimeUnit
on my system which was 0.01
right? Wrong!
Lets look at two different ways of micro benching marking the expression 1
for 1000000 iterations. But first, lets establish a base case to help us understand the results.
Base Case
iterations = 1000000;
oneTime = AbsoluteTiming[1][[1]];
expectation = oneTime*iterations;
Print["oneTime: ", oneTime, " expectation for ", iterations, ": ", expectation];
oneTime: 0.000014 expectation for 1000000: 14.
Collection of Individual AbsoluteTiming Values
individualTimes = Map[AbsoluteTiming[1][[1]] &, Range[1, iterations]];
Print["Total: ", Total[individualTimes], " Min: ",
Min[individualTimes], " Max: ", Max[individualTimes], " Mean: ",
Mean[individualTimes], " StdDev: ",
Total: 2.26236 Min: 0. Max: 0.000167 Mean: 2.26236*10^-6 StdDev: 6.79631*10^-7
First thing we notice is that the Total(2.26236) is less than our expectation(14.) . Why the difference? Well first look at the Min(0.) and Max(0.000167), they are out side our oneTime(0.000014), which is good. If there are a significant number of individual times less than our oneTime value, that could explain the difference. It just so happened that Length[Select[individualTimes, # < oneTime & ]]
returned 999939
Anyone know how Min can be 0. ? Is it because the expression was cached? If it was cached, it still would have taken some time. Maybe the time it took is less than what AbsoluteTiming
can observe, hmmmm.
One AbsoluteTiming Value for All Iterations
totalTime = AbsoluteTiming[Do [1, {iterations}]][[1]];
Print["totalTime: ", totalTime];
totalTime: 0.015782
Woe wait a minute, the totalTime(0.015782) is no where close to the Total of the individualTimes(2.26236) not to mention our expectation(14.)! I must have messed something up. Okay let me think about this, could it be AbsoluteTime
is not as precise as I originally thought? Ding ding, ding, give that man a cigar!
As the chaps at Wolfram said it here. AbsoluteTiming
does not have the precision past $TimeUnit. So the oneTime and all of the individually collected timing values were prone to error as a result of the resolution of the timer of the system. Thanks again Szabolcs!
The the one timing value for all iterations also has the same error, but only since it is only called one time for 1000000 iterations and is less than $TimeUnit
(0.01) it has a much smaller effect.
Okay, yeah I know, I should rerun the One AbsoluteTiming Value for All Iterations with iterations = 1000000000
to get a more accurate value. totalTime: 12.440098
which makes making one call to 1
take 1.2440098*10^-8 seconds, which is a much much much smaller number than $TimeUnit
. Poor AbsoluteTiming
, it never stood a chance. ;)
cannot return such short times on a Windows system, so I can't play with it. The Win7 resolution is 1 ms, the WinXP one is 15 ms. $\endgroup$