Mathematica gave generic solution to Euler ode.
Using assumptions and little bit of known manipulation, you can obtain the solutions given on that web page
For $\lambda>1$
ode = x^2*y''[x] + 3*x*y'[x] + lam*y[x] == 0;
sol = y[x] /. First@DSolve[ode, y[x], x, Assumptions -> lam > 1]
The only trick is to convert the above to trig, using Euler relations. There might be easier way to do this, but I could not find it now. We need to implement the following transformation
c_1 x^{\alpha + i \beta}+ c_1 x^{\alpha - i \beta}&= x^\alpha (c_1 x^{i \beta}+c_2 x^{ -i \beta})\\
&=x^\alpha(c_1 e^{\ln x^{i \beta}}+c_2 e^{\ln x^{-i \beta}}\\
&=x^\alpha(c_1 e^{i \beta \ln x}+c_2 e^{-i \beta \ln x}\\
&=x^\alpha(c_1 \cos(\beta \ln x)+ c_2 \sin(\beta \ln x)\\
The last step above is just Euler's relation.
The above is done using:
ClearAll[a, b];
exponent = sol[[1]] /. Times[Power[x, a_], any_] :> Expand[a];
{a, b} = exponent /. a_ - I b_ :> {Simplify@a, Simplify@b};
sol = x^a (C[1]*Cos[b*Log[x]] + C[2] Sin[b*Log[x]])
For the other two cases, no need to help Mathematica, it gives the solutions as is, when using assumptions
$\lambda =1 $
sol = y[x] /. First@DSolve[ode /. lam -> 1, y[x], x]
$\lambda < 1 $
sol = y[x] /. First@DSolve[ode, y[x], x, Assumptions -> lam < 1]
Update to answer comment
What do you mean by "generic solution to Euler ode" in the first line?
I mean the following. This is what Mathematica basically did
x^{2}y^{\prime\prime}+3xy^{\prime}+\lambda y=0
Let $y=Cx^{r}$. Substituting into the ODE this gives
x^{2}Cr\left( r-1\right) x^{r-2}+3xCrx^{r-1}+\lambda Ax^{r} & =0\\
Cr\left( r-1\right) x^{r}+3Crx^{r}+\lambda Cx^{r} & =0
Simplifying, since $C x^{r}\neq0$ gives
r\left( r-1\right) +3r+\lambda & =0\\
r^{2}-r+3r+\lambda & =0\\
r^{2}+2r+\lambda & =0
Using the Quadratic formula, $r=\frac{-b}{2a}\pm\frac{1}{2a}\sqrt{b^{2}
-4ac}=\frac{-2}{2}\pm\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{4-4\lambda}=-1\pm\sqrt{1-\lambda}$. Therefore
r_{1} & =-1+\sqrt{1-\lambda}\\
r_{2} & =-1-\sqrt{1-\lambda}
Hence the general solution is the sum of the two basis solutions given by
y & =C_{1}x^{r_{1}}+C_{2}x^{r_{2}}\\
& =C_{1}x^{-1+\sqrt{1-\lambda}}+C_{2}x^{-1-\sqrt{1-\lambda}}
It is a generic solution, since it does not know anything about $\lambda$ it could not simplify this any more.
DSolve[x^2*y''[x] + 3*x*y'[x] + \[Lambda]*y[x] == 0, y[x], x] //
Simplify // Expand