I have a function eqsfromMatrix[..]
that generates linear equations from a matrix which I would like to plot but there seems to be no direct way to plot them. I think I should probably solve for one of the variables before attempting to plot them but do not know how to manipulate them. I've tried everything from Plot[...]
to Graphics[...]
but they rendered very poorly. One would think there would be a straightforward or direct way to plot 3 linear equations but it eludes me for now. My goal is to plot the lines formed from matrix and show where they intersect if there is a solution. Below in the code I have 3 matrices of 2, 3, 4 dimensions which I would like to plot if at all possible.
eqsfromMatrix[mat_, b_ : None, piv_ : "x"] :=
Block[{len, abc, pivot, diff, vars, scals, eqs},
len = Length[mat];
abc = Alphabet[];
pivot = Flatten[Position[abc, piv]][[1]];
start[m_] := pivot /; len <= 26 - pivot + 1;
start[m_] := 26 - len + 1;
end[m_] = start[m] + len - 1;
vars = Take[abc, {start[m], end[m]}];
eqs = mat.vars;
scals =
Switch[b, None, Return[eqs], _List, b, 1, Take[abc, {1, len}], 0,
Table[0, len]];
Table[eqs[[i]] == scals[[i]], {i, 1, len}]
m = {{1, 2}, {3, 2}};
b = {1, -2};
sol = LinearSolve[m, b]
eqs = eqsfromMatrix[m, b]
eqs[[1]] // Expand
Solve[eqs[[1]], y]
Plot[eqsfromMatrix[m, b], {x, -1, 1}]
? I don't think there's an easy way for 4D, though. BTW your code can be simplified toContourPlot[Thread[m.{x, y} == b] // Evaluate, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}]
. $\endgroup$